19 -Murder part 3

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Ms. Winston's POV

Cameron was finally starting to wake up. It had been about an hour. In that time I had gone to my trunk and got a few more materials. A baseball bat, sewing needles, rubbing alcohol, a saw, and pliers.

While he was out, I had cut off all of his fingers and wrapped the nubs in cloth. When he began to groan and stir, I got up and stood in front of him with the pliers.

"Wow, look who's awake! I thought you'd be dead by now."

I held up the pliers and I saw the immediate panic in Cameron's eyes. As soon as I pulled out the gag Cameron began yelling.


"We're in the middle of nowhere silly, no one can hear you for miles," I said with a sinister smirk.

"Please, please just let me go and I won't tell anyone about this. I'll move, I'll change schools, I'll do anything just please let me go!" He said sobbing.

"Yeah, sure you will. We all know how that situation turns out and I'm not taking any chances. Plus, it's fun doing this to someone who deserves it as much as you."

"I still don't understand what I did!"

"You came after someone who is mine. I saw the way you looked at her in class. Staring at her ass. Something only I'm allowed to do."

"Kimberly doesn't belong to anyone. She's free to like whoever she wants. Which probably would've been me if we spent more time together. But I have to admit, she is a nice piece of ass," he said smirking at me.

I glared at him, trying to burn holes in his head. "I don't like your attitude so how about I help you shut up for a bit hmm?"

I went to my pile and got a metal hold that would prevent him from closing his mouth. I returned back, picking up my sewing needles and the chloroform cloth.

"Now, I don't want you any trouble with this so I'm gonna make you pass out again."

I held the cloth to his mouth and nose tightly. Cameron tried holding his breath for a while, but eventually had to breathe. Within a couple of minutes he was out again.

I opened his mouth and placed a long screw in there for it to remain open. I then proceeded to use the wrench and pull out his teeth. The cracking sound of each tooth made me feel this excitement and rush of adrenaline that was addicting

By the time I was done and he was borderline toothless, I grabbed the sewing needles and thread. The needle slid cleanly through his upper lips as it went in silver and came out red.

The blood slid down his chin like tears, leaving a crimson trail. By the time I was done, blood soaked the bottom half of his face. Cameron started to groan before I realized how long I had been doing this.

Once he woke, the pain set in and he let out muffled screams. He realized he couldn't talk and the panic set in. I think he also realized that a large percentage of his teeth were missing as his eyes began to bulge. Tears began to fall and he looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Oh what's that? Sorry I can't hear you, I think you should speak up," I joked while holding a hand near my ear.
"I think we should clean you up. Here, I brought some rubbing alcohol."

He began to protest and fidget in his restraints quickly.

"Awww that's not gonna work. Why don't you try charming you way out of it. It seems to help you in other situations."

I poured the alcohol in a cloth and began wiping a lot of his cuts, at least, the one's where I thought it would hurt the most. He whimpered and wiggled, as if that was going to free him.

After that, I picked up my aluminium bat and dragged to towards him. By this time, I could bet he was just begging me to kill him.

I swung first at his legs, hearing a cracking sound. Then at his ribs. At some point I probably snapped and blacked out, repeatedly swinging and hitting him until I didn't hear anymore muffled screaming.

I was out of energy, exhausted and just wanted to sleep next to my Kimberly. I poured gasoline all over his body and set him on fire. This is the part I hated, having to get rid of the body. Cameron's body was burning too slow for my liking so I put the fire out and just decided to dig a hole behind the warehouse.

After digging, burying, burning, and getting rid of evidence, I was beyond tired and just wanted to sleep. I had already burned my clothes and brought water with me to clean up with. The warehouse area that I used looked regular and basic.

I began my drive home, happy that this was finally done with. It was around 2am when I got home, and went straight to bed.

Do you think Ms. Winston will be caught?
Now we know Ms. Winston is capable of Very messy, gory murder.
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