32 - Break in

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Kimberly's POV

After the movie, Rebecca drove us home and informed me that she would be going grocery shopping for dinner.

"You stay put, alright. I'll be right back."

"But why can't I go," I whined

"It'll just be a quick little trip, I promise."

As soon as she left and locked the doors, I took my phone out and texted my friends.

Kim: she just left. You guys still in the area?

Jackie:yeah we're almost there. The GPS is saying well arrive in about 3 minutes.

I watched through the window as Rebecca pulled out of the driveway and drove away. I went to the backdoor to test it but it was locked.
Window it is.

I heard two knocks on the backdoor signaling that they were here.

I went to the side window and called them over.

"The backdoor is locked. You guys have to enter and leave through here."

One by one they entered the house except for Michael who was the "getaway driver".

"Well, where should we look first?" Lauren asked.

"Uhm, upstairs I guess. I think there's an entrance to an attic somewhere but I don't know where it is."

Jackie and I stayed downstairs on lookout while Maria, Lauren, and Joseph went to search for any evidence that could be useful.

Third person POV

Lauren opened each of the rooms until she found the one that she was certain was Rebecca's room.
Bingo, she thought. She had to act fast though, they didn't know exactly what time Rebecca would be back.

She looked around the room wondering where would she hide things. Lauren checked under the bed, but found nothing useful. She checked in the drawers that held clothes, but thought there was nothing in there until her hand ran across a hard object.

She pulled out the small case from in the drawer but realized there was a lock on it.

"Guys I found something," she yelled.

"What is it?" Joseph asked as they came into the room.

"Some sort of mini safe case thing and it has a lock."

"We can figure out a way to open it later just take the case and let's go."

"But wait what about the attic?" Lauren asked hopefully.

"I don't think we have time for that. She could be home at any mome-"

Joseph's words were cut short when he heard the sound of a car pulling up.

"Shit! C'mon we have to leave, now."

Lauren gave him the case and they ran downstairs, each trying to leave through the window.

Kimberly's head was turning between looking at them and looking out of the front window.

They successfully ran to the car, all out of breath with their heart pounding in their ears.

"Oh my God...that was too close....never again," Maria said between breaths.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" Michael asked.

"She came home sooner than expected. She's in the driveway."

"Holy shit! And you're just now telling me? Hold my blunt," Michael said as he handed it to Joseph and started the car.

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