34 - Evidence

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Kimberly's POV

"I'm your new substitute, Ms. Smith," she said smiling brightly at the class.


I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to Jackie.

"You're drooling ma'am. Might want to be careful considering your current situation. We all know what happened the last time you thought a teacher was hot."

The new teacher began speaking again.
"This decision was abrupt so I have no idea what you guys are doing in class. How about we throw it all out and start something new and fun."

The class cheered and threw old papers up that Mr. Travers had assigned. I wonder what happened to him.

"So what I'm gonna have you do now is go around the room and say your names so that I can learn them. And please, if these are your seats, do me a favor and don't change them everyday. It Helps me memorize who is where," She said as she took out a clip board.

Hmm she seems cool so far. We made eye contact once as she was looking around the room but that was about it.

Each person around the class said their name. Then it was my turn.

"I'm Kimberly."

"Oh wow really? My grandmother's name was Kimberly. For some reason I've always just loved that name."

I smiled back before looking down and blushing. Definitely not going through this again. Joseph put his hand on my ears.

"Woah you're ears are burning up Kim."

I smacked his hand away. "Shut up."

"I'm going to have you guys do a small project on the different wars that occurred before America officially gained its independence. Each group will be assigned a different war."

Seems easy enough, I thought to myself.

"BUT, there is a twist. You have to act out a short skit as if you were actually there. The better the skit, the more extra credit you can earn."

Okay seriously.

"I'll give you guys a month to do it, but once that due date comes, it comes. I won't accept late work."

She's giving us a whole month but I'll probably still turn it in late because of my extreme procrastination.

"Alright you guys can pick your groups. Four people, no more no less."

Joseph groaned at the thought of including another person in our group came. There's 3 of us so we had to have someone else in it. This class was half full of annoying, obnoxious, egotistical kids and the other half we barely knew. I Only know a couple of names.

"So who are we picking," Jackie asked.

"I have no idea. Whoever it is has to have a good work ethic."

"Kimberly can't you just use your teacher charming skills and convince her to let the three of us do it," Jackie begged.

"Teacher charming skills, is that what you're calling it now?"

"Well you know how to get on their good sides soooo go get on her good side and convince her," Joseph said as he gave me a light push towards her desk.

Here goes

"Hi, Ms. Smith right?"

"Yes," she said with a wide smile. "And you're Kimberly."

More of a statement than a question but okay.

The Teacher's InfatuationWhere stories live. Discover now