41 - Dodgeball

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We stood with our hands against the wall, waiting for the referee to blow the whistle. As soon as we heard the high pitched chirp, both sides sprinted towards the middle trying to get all of the balls on their side. Some decided to be more cautious and stay behind to catch the balls.

People were hopping and dodging as best they could while balls flew through the air. Two people on Michaels team got out in the first minute while only Jackie got out on mine. The Jersey wearing guy on my team fired two balls Maria's way with so much speed that she couldn't dodge it. She tried jumping but it's like he predicted where she would go and threw a ball down and a ball up.

Now it was just Michael and his last team mate, a girl with brown hair wearing a band T-shirt. They looked panicked as they only had 3 balls on their side while we had 5. Tshirt guy had gotten out so it was just me, headband girl and Jersey guy. She was kinda cute and looked hot all sweaty and breathing heavy.

I snapped myself back into reality at Michael's pleading.
"Now now Kimberly, you know I was only kidding right?" He said with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh noo don't bitch out now, you were so confident that your team would win."

"It's not my fault you basically have star athletes on your team!"

"Too reiterate your words, oh well boohoo too late," I smirked before launching a ball at his legs.

He jumped just in time before another ball was launched his way by headband girl, hitting him square in the face.

"That's what I'm talking about!" I yelled as I high fived her.

"Woooow that was so petty, I'm letting you drown in the foam pit next time," Michael whined holding his cheek.

"Aw cheer up Michael," I laughed. At least we didn't target you all at once," I called out to him as he walked off the trampolines.

Now it was just Jersey guy, headband girl and me vs the brunette in a band tee. We were so gonna win. Headband girl fired the first ball near her legs while Jersey guy fired upwards in case she jumped, but instead she went sideways while firing back a ball towards Jersey guy, hitting him square in the nuts. He toppled over in pain holding himself and breathing heavily while our team mates on the sideline argued with the referee.

I looked at headband girl as if affirming what our next move would be, we each had two balls and would rapidly fire them at our opponent at the same time. Somehow she managed to dodge them all, one of them barely missing her. I stared in amazement at how she did that.

"Alright we have to catch whatever she throws now, that's the only way we can get her out," headband girl said to me. I nodded in agreement while waiting for our opponent to make her move.

She smirked before beaming a low ball right in between us making both of us go for it and crash into each other. I managed to avoid touching it all the way but the ball touched the tip of headband girl's fingers, making the referee blow their whistle. How did this girl just get both of my teammates out?

"Hey Kimberly, if my team wins, you owe me a milkshake from the food court," Michael called out trying to distract me.

"Yeah we'll see," I mumbled.

I watched the girl's every move cautiously. We each had a ball in our hand waiting to see what the other did first. What I didn't expect was her to do a softball pitch move and fire the ball right towards my thigh but I blocked it with my ball in time and fired mine back hoping to catch her off balance, but once again to my surprise she caught it.

She smirked as her team started the cheer and I hung my head in defeat. I HATE losing. Michael came bouncing over to me, teasing and taunting.

"Ahhh bitch that's what you get, that's why you lost. Loser loser, I believe you owe me a milkshake now."

"Shut up, I rather buy her a milkshake," I said pointing at this mysterious band T-shirt girl that single handedly just obliterated my team.

"Wooow, not you avoiding buying me a milkshake to go flirt with some random chick. Just know, I expect my milkshake before the end of the day."

"Yeah Yeah whatever," I said barely paying attention to him. I started walking over to the girl who was obviously a softball player like me.

"You put up one hell of a fight," she said wiping her forehead of sweat and taking a sip of water. Bouncing on those trampolines are truly tiring.

"As did you, I wasn't expecting that softball move, it caught me off guard," I laughed.

"I just observed all of your team's mannerisms the whole game and stayed in the background. Then using what I learned, I beat you with it."

"Smart girl, I like that. So I assume you're position is pitcher."

She blushed before looking back at me. "Yeah, how about you, you have the arm of a shortstop."

"That would be correct. Can I buy you a milkshake?" I asked abruptly.

She giggled before replying. "Bold girl, I like that. Sure, let's go."

We made our way over to the food court and got some snacks and a milkshake before sitting at one of the tables. I was hoping we could skip the pleasantries and talking and just go straight to the bathroom but it looked like I had to work for this one.

"So, where are you from?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Around here actually. My parents moved here from Florida but we sometimes go back for vacation."

"Nice, is Florida really as crazy as everyone says it is?"

"To put simply, yes. One hundred percent yes," she giggled.

I laughed along with her before looking down and looking back up into her eyes smiling.
"Would you like to accompany me to the restroom?" I asked in suggestive way with a smirk.

She choked on her milkshake and started coughing as well as blushing.
"Straight to the point huh?"

"Just wanted to know if you're down," I winked.

She stared at me for a second contemplating. "Sure let's go."


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I think you already know what happens next 😉

Picture is Kimberly & her friends

I've never been to Florida so if I offended any Floridians...
If you've been, how was it?

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