25 -Russian Roulette

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Rebecca's POV

"Either of you heard of Russian roulette?"

Their eyes boggled out of their heads as they stared at the gun. They started crying harder and continued to try to escape. This should be fun.

"Time to take the tape off, I wanna hear the fear in your voices."

I went to each of them and ripped the tape off of their mouths violently. They immediately went into a frenzy apologizing and pleading for their lives.

"Please please please please don't kill me. I don't care about her, just please don't kill me. I won't tell anyone, I swear on my life," Kiera cried.

Jessica scoffed at her and decided to take a more different approach.

"You already know I'm the most popular girl in school. If you kill me, everyone's going to wonder what happened and I guarantee you, they will find me AND find you and you'll spend the rest of your life in a rotten jail cell," she said with a steady, confident voice.

"Hmm, such a brave girl. You're right, they may find me, but I guarantee they won't find you. At least not recognizable."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Not so brave now Are you? I just mean that they'll find your ashes, if they even realize it's you."

Her face held a shocked expression, so did Kiera's.

"What's wrong, Cat got your tongue?"

When it dawned on them what I was going to do, Kiera immediately started begging again and Jessica broke out into an ugly cry.

I smiled at their reactions, I was enjoying this a little too much. I needed to hurry so I could get back to my little Kimberly.

"Would you both shut up? It's happening whether you like it or not."

I clapped my hands together.
"Now, where were we? Ah yes, Russian roulette."

I loaded the gun with a bullet and spun it. Now for the fun part.

"Who would like to go first?" I looked between the two girls.

They both yelled that the other person should go so I decided to make it easier.

"Jessica, pick a number. Kiera, pick a number."



"Ooooo Jessica you were closer. The number was 7."

I held the gun to her temple. "Good luck."

Kiera looked away, Jessica closed her eyes tightly and I bit my lip. I pulled the trigger and they screamed at the sound of the trigger.

"Congratulations, you survived the first round. Now," I looked at Keira, "your turn."

I held the gun to her temple as she silently cried. I pulled the trigger.


She breathed a shaky sigh of relief and looked up to get the tears out of her eyes. Across the table you could see Jessica sweating profusely. I chuckled at the sight.

"Uhm do you have a tissue, my mascara is burning my eyes."

"Suck it up. It's not like you'll be feeling it in 10 minutes anyway."

I smirked at her reaction. She tried moving and wiggling in her seat again.

"You're only making yourself tired," I sighed. I pointed the gun at the back of her head.


Blood splattered on me, the table, and Keira. She screamed at the top of her lungs and I laughed.

Jessica sat there, slumped over, blood now covering her expensive clothes. Kiera was shaking and and hyperventilating.

"Three slots, one more bullet. Here, I'll play with you. It's your turn."

I pointed the gun at her.


I was a bit nervous but my adrenaline was running high. There was a 1/2 chance I could die right now and Kimberly wouldn't even know what happened. Wait a minute, I'm in charge. I don't even have to shoot myself.

"On second thought, good luck. 2 more slots."

This time, I pointed the gun at her heart.

"I should thank you really, Kimberly gets to stay with me for an extra 3 days, all because you two fought. What was it even about?"

"S-she sat in m-my seat."

"Wow, really a stupid reason." Any last words?"

She narrowed her eyes at me before spitting in my face.

"Not what I was expecting but it'll make this all the more satisfying."

I pulled the trigger and a loud bang was heard as the bullet pierced her skin and entered her heart. Her head fell forwards and her body went limp.

I wiped her spit off of my face. Now, time to burn these two and do something with their ashes.

I layed their bodies on a large trash bag and poured gasoline all over them. I Also took off my bloody clothes and set it with them. I pulled out a lighter from my back pocket and set them on fire. Now, to leave them here to burn while I return home could be risky, but I didn't feel like waiting hours to see if they completely burned.


While they burned, I packed up everything, put the gun in my bag and went to my car. I'll just let the ashes of my burned clothes go.

As I drove, I let the ashes fly out of the window and into the dark, early morning sky. I was finally done with them. Now I could get home and take a bath, with Kimberly of course. I smiled as I thought about her, all the things I could do to her. She was completely mine.

When I got home, Kimberly was still sleeping. It was around 4 or 5 am and I was exhausted. I took off my shirt and cuddled her, wrapping my arms around her. She sighed and her arm came over mine. This made me smile greatly. Finally, she was accepting it.

Kimberly's POV

I woke up in the morning and felt someone's arms around me. I slowly turned my head and jumped at how close Rebecca was. I slowly lifted her arm from on me and touched something warm in the process.

I- are those her boobs?! Not gonna lie they looked nice but I was a little shocked. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

"What's happening to me? Where did this all go wrong? How am I even going to get out of this without anyone getting hurt."

I want my phone, my friends, my family. Oh god, I don't even know if my brother or dad tried contacting me. I wonder if anyone is searching for me. My dad should have received a call to say I was suspended. Maybe he's worried, maybe no one's wondering. I just know when I get enough money, I'm flying out of here and moving somewhere...somewhere away from Rebecca and her craziness.

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