12 -Regret

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Kimberely's POV

This can't be happening! I couldn't have gotten so stoned that I had sex with my teacher. My possessive and crazy teacher nonetheless.

I've got to get out of here and find a way home. Maybe her cable box has the password and I can check there so I can call a friend or uber.

I slowly and carefully pryed her hands off of me and slid my way out of bed. Where are my clothes? They've got to be here somewhere. I look around and spot only my bra and underwear. I grabbed them, put them on and made my way towards the bathroom.

My eyes widened when I saw myself in the mirror. I looked an absolute mess. My hair was all over the place, my eyes were still a tad bit pink and the little make up I had on was now smudged.

I decided to wash my face and use the mouth wash that was on the side of the sink. I still have to think of a way to get out of here.

Putting my hair in a ponytail, I quietly left the bathroom and tried to make my way towards the bedroom door. To my surprise, it wasn't locked. I silently twisted the doorknob and checked behind me to see if Ms. Winston had woken up yet.

She was still sleeping soundly and now had her arm wrapped around a pillow. I opened the door and tip toed out and to the stairs. That damn cat came out of nowhere again and ran down past me, nearly scaring me to death.

The stairs creaked as I made my way down them, adrenaline coursing through my veins. If I were to get caught, I would definitely be punished no question.

I went back to the living room to look for my clothes. After three minutes I finally found them near the couch. The TV was still on but had a blank screen with a DVD bouncing from side to side.

I got my phone and school bag and went towards the TV. The Wi-Fi password has got to be here somewhere.

After a minute of looking, I finally found it. Written on the white paper taped to it were some number and letters. I plugged them into my phone and it connected, Bingo.

My phone vibrated as a lot of notifications came in. Most being from instagram. I quickly opened my phone and checked my texts while making my way to the door. I went to the group chat that my friends are in and saw that they've been worried about me all night. Most of the text being my name in all caps or where are you?

I quickly resent my text from earlier that failed to go through and ordered an uber. The app told me that the driver would be there in 13 minutes.

Awesome, now all I need to do is leave this house without getting caught. Doesn't seem too hard, I mean I'm already downstairs in front of the door.

I slowly went to turn the double locks on the door and opened it but jumped when I heard an alarm go off. You have got to be kidding me!

I panicked and looked around for any sign of Ms. Winston, then looked back out the door. Maybe I could just make a run for it until I was out of breath.

Before I could make that decision, someone slammed the door close and locked it from behind me. I slowly turned around, fear evident on my face.

Standing there with her arms folded and an eyebrow raised threateningly was Ms. Winston, and she did not look happy at all.

"And just where did you think you were going little missy?"

Surprise! Another chapter🎉🎊

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