14 - Actually Crazy

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Michael's POV

I have been continuously texting Kim with no replies, not even a read. She wouldn't just disappear on us like that. Her and I usually hang out over the weekends. Maria, Jackie, and Joseph haven't heard from her either.

She did send one text to our group chat that seemed very weird. Something about being kidnapped by our teacher. We all know Ms Winston is a little crazy but not that crazy.

Anyways, it's Monday so hopefully we see Kim today and she'll tell us what the hell happened to her.
Kim's POV

Ms Winston made me breakfast and drove me to school, all while giving me a speech about not telling a soul, not even my friends. I had to tell at least one person. I'm not the best at keeping secrets.

We got there and I spotted my friends waiting around our lockers. I walked over to them as naturally as possible, even though my butt was still sore.

"KIMBERELLYYY!!! Oh my gosh bitch I thought you died. Don't ever scare us like that again," Michael said hugging me.

"I'm fine guys, I just had to go over a relatives house."

"Sure," Maria said.

"Its true. I'm not lying."

They all stared at me for a few seconds before saying fine. Michael helped me put my things in my locker and we made our way to homeroom.

A few seconds later the bell rung, signaling it was time for 1st period. Joseph, Jackie and I made our way to Mr. Travers class. I had somehow been failing this class but I'm pretty sure it was because he didn't like me.

Class went by super slow. Most of the time Jackie, Joe and I were just playing word association or singing songs from Hamilton. We had also been interrupted several times by none other than Mr Travers. Sometimes I wish I could just punch him in the face.

The bell rung and the same things happened in our next class, math. By lunch, we were tired and hungry. I sat next to Michael at our usual table. Jackie sat next to me on the other side and Joseph and Maria say across from us.

"So, how was everyone's weekend?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.

"My weekend was trash. I fought my bitch of a sister and after, my mom told me to apologize. We all know that's not happening, like she tried it," Michael explained.

"Why'd you fight her?"

"Cause...I don't like that bitch. And she ate the last of my food. Is it possible to divorce your family?"

We all started laughing, including Michael. We all knew how seriously he took his food.

"What about you Kimberely, how was yours?" Maria asked.

"Uhmmm it was fine. Pretty boring but chill."

Maria stared at me like she was trying to read my mind. She finally gave up and said cool. Our table was called and we went to get our lunch. After I was done, I went to throw my trash away. On the way there, Ms. Winston came in and beckoned me over to her.

I told Michael where I was going and left the cafeteria, following Ms. Winston to her room.

She had sped up walking and me being a normally slow walker and already being tired, did not feel like speeding up. When I got into her room, she was no where in sight.

"Ms. Winston?"

I heard the door close behind me and there stood a very seductive looking Ms. Winston. She also has that crazy look in her eye again. That made me a little scared because she could be quite unpredictable.

"What did you need Ms. Winston?"

"You didn't tell anyone about anything, did you?"

"No, I didn't."

"Are you lying to me? You know how I feel about lying," she said as a smirk appeared.

She was up to something, I could feel it. "No I'm not lying."

"Good." She started walking towards me, swaying her hips. She pushed me against a wall and kissed me.

"We can't do this is school. What if someone walked in?"

"I don't care about that. And if someone did, I would have to get rid of them before they said anything to anyone."

"What do you mean "get rid of them"?

"Don't worry your cute little nose about it."

She started kissing me again only this time, I pushed her off of me. Mistake number 1.

She glared at me, her eyes narrowed.
"There's someone else isn't there?"


"You're cheating on me with someone ELSE!"

"First of all, since when were we together? I'm very much single and allowed to be with anyone whom I choose." Mistake number 2.

Ms. Winston's eyes held an extremely psychotic look in them now. Her nostrils were flaring. She grabbed a mug off of her desk and threw it my direction so fast that it barely missed me when I dodged it.

"What the hell Ms. Winston!"

"It's Cameron isn't it. Your with that boy Cameron. I knew he was trouble when he first walked in. I knew he was a threat. He's trying to steal you from me. Hah we'll see."

"What? No I'm not with Cameron. I don't like him like that!"

"LIES!" she yelled as another object came flying my way.

"Okay you need to stop throwing things at me."

"I don't need to do anything, except protect whats mine."

Well you're not doing a very good job at it, I said in my mind. I looked back at Ms. Winston as she sat at her desk and wrote something down quickly.

"What are you writing?"

"Just some things I need to get after school. You can go to softball practice today. Don't get into any trouble."

I stared at her weirdly before leaving the room, making sure to avoid the shards of hard glass that now decorated the floor.


I finally updated. I've had a very tough and somewhat traumatic couple of weeks but all is good now

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