2 - Ms. Winston

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Chapter 2

Kim's POV

Joseph, Jackie and I had 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th period together. The other ones I had with Michael and Maria. We all had lunch at 3rd for some reason. I thought it was too early. We went to our lockers and got our books for first which was AP US history. As Jackie, Joseph, and I walked into class, the only seats available were 3 in the back corner near the window. I sat in the middle of them while my friends sat on either side of me.

The teacher came in and introduced himself as Mr. Travers. He had nice jet black hair and a clean cut beard. Most of the girls thought he was cute, but to me he looked like a sim. Like a real sim, probably spoke simlish too.

"Joseph, I'm gonna start calling you Joe, Joey, or JoJo for a nickname," I told him throwing a paper ball at him.

"Yeah me too," Jackie cut in.

"That's fine with me. I call you guys by your nicknames all the time. Kim and Jackie instead of Kimberley and Jacqueline."

"I don't like Kimberley, it seems too girly for me."

"True, you are really tomboyish." Jackie stated.

"You know me too well."

For the rest of class, we just joked around and barely payed attention to the teacher. When the bell rung, we got our stuff and headed to 2nd which was Algebra 2.

The class went by pretty fast, nothing too important. By 3rd we had lunch so we all met up again and decided to sit near the lunch doors. About half way through lunch, the doors opened and in walked the lady from before. Again I stared, but this time my friends followed my gaze.

"Ooooooo I think someone's caught Kim's eye," Maria said with a smirk. I hit her arm hard enough to make her wince.

"Shut up. I'm just looking at....that guy over there, he's cute."

"Oh c'mon, you expect us to believe that."

"You're right, I wouldn't believe myself either." I said laughing.

I looked back over to where the supposed teacher was, but this time we made eye contact and she smiled at me. I froze and my heart beat sped up. I smiled back at her and turned my head back to my friends. I continued to just stay quiet until lunch was over.

We went to our lockers and got ready for 4th. This was the class that Mr. Fischer used to teach in. I hoped to God that the new lady wasn't our teacher, but at the same time I did. As we walked into English, the seats that were available were three in the front. One in front of the teachers desk, one on the right side, and one near the window. Joseph payed someone to switch seats with me so that he was in the middle and Jackie and I were on either sides. Joey turned to me.

"So Kimmy, what are you gonna do if our new teacher is the hot mysterious lady?" I hit his arm as Jackie laughed.

"Nothing. I'm going to ignore the mess out of her unless I'm required to talk. If she talks to me, I'll give short responses."

"Wow, you really have this planned out."

"Yes I do. I don't want this year to be full of complicated situations."

"Well, lets hope for the best then."

Just as he said that, the door to the classroom swung open. My jaws dropped open when I saw who our teacher was. Of course this had to happen. The universe was not in my favor this year. In came the hot mysterious lady.

"Hello class! I'm your new teacher. My name is Ms. Winston and I hope this year will be fun. I wanna start out by doing a little ice-breaker work sheet. I know you've done this a thousand times today, but I'm actually interested in my student's lives. I'll pass it out shortly."

With that she turned around and began to set up her desk and get papers out. I hated these things because we had to do them every year for every class, plus most of the teachers didn't even read them.

I ended up just gazing at her as she went to get our papers and pass them out. I noticed that I wasn't the only one staring at her, most of the other boys were. They were also smirking and whispering among themselves. The girls were somewhat glaring at her, probably because their boyfriends were paying more attention to the teacher and not them. I continued to stare as she went back to her desk.

Ms. Winston's POV

Today was my first day working at Westwood High and I planned to make a good impression. This morning as I was walking up the steps to the school, I passed by some students. One of them was a girl, a very pretty one and the other was a boy, maybe her boyfriend. I said good morning to them and the boy had no trouble saying it back, but the girl on the other hand stumbled a bit and blushed. It was amusing and I smirked.

At lunch time, as I was walking into the cafeteria, I noticed her sitting with some friends, and that boy again. I acted like I was listening to some other teacher, but I was instead looking at her. She turned to look at me and I smiled at her. She blushed and smiled back. 'This is gonna be too easy,' I thought to myself. I went to the teachers lounge to talk with my new friend I made today. Ms. Cameron, or to me, Katherine.

She was an 11th grade science teacher. Her and I were both 28. It turns out, we had a lot in common. We both loved 90s pop, loved the same movies, T.V shows, and much more. When we first met there was an instant connection.
I could just tell we would end up being friends. After that, I headed to my 4th period English class. We were supposed to be reading Fahrenheit 451, a really good book about censorship.

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Pic is Ms. Winston

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