Heeseung fic

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Hello, my name is Shin Y/N, and I am nineteen. Me and my dad were very close, but he died. My step mom, Nancy still won't tell me how he died, because she thinks that I am too young. I don't think so, I'm an adult and she should treat me like one. I deserve to know how my own dad died don't I? Doesn't she owe me that?

It's complicated. I know my step mom isn't my biggest fan and quite honestly, I'm not her biggest fan either. We never really got along, and now that my dad isn't here, she's gotten worse. Whenever my dad was here, he would always shut down our arguments and make us both feel like me mattered equally which I really loved, he's a good man. Or was. And it certainly doesn't help that my best friend Mina ditched me for the popular girls and told me that she doesn't have time for me. Not to mention my boyfriend cheated on me with her. 

Nancy~ "Y/N!! Get down here! NOW!" Ugh.. What does she want now? I walk downstairs into the kitchen where she was hollering to see what the she devil wants.

Y/N~ "Yes mom?" I fake smile.

Nancy~ "I'm not your mother." She sneers.

Y/N~ "Sorry. What can I do for you?"

Nancy~ "Well for starters, the kitchen is so messy, I need you to clean it. If it's not spotless you will do the whole thing again am I clear?"

Y/N~ "Yes ma'am."

Nancy~ "Good. I'm going for a night out. If it's not done by the time I get home you will clean the entire mansion."

Y/N~ "Ok...?"

Nancy~ "And cut the attitude."

Y//N~ "Yes ma'am" With that she left, slamming the door behind her. I sighed and grabbed the cleaning supplies from the closet and got to work. I don't know why she's making me clean up her mess. She is the one who got the dishes dirty, and spilled all over the floor yet I have to clean it up. When is she going to stop treating me like her maid? I'm her step daughter, yet that doesn't mean anything to her. I tried so hard to somehow be-friend her when my dad started dating her, but she's always hated me and I can't see why. It's been years an she still doesn't respect me, and even did things like this in front of my dad too. 

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