Heeseung fic

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Anna~ "And you're telling us that you have no feelings for him at all?"

Y/N~ "Correct." Yuki smiles.

Kate~ "I'm not buying it." 

Y/N~ "Well it's true so I don't know what to tell you." I say and I start to walk off to class.

Kate~ "Enemy's with benefits?" I hear her whisper to Anna and Yuki. I turn and shoot them a glare before turning around the corner and into my classroom. I take a seat in the back of the classroom. At least Heeseung and the girls aren't in this class.. If they were they would keep talking about the so called "tension" With me and him and I don't want to hear it.

???~ "So, you and the new guy huh?" I sigh and see who's talking, but I don't know who it is.

Y/N~ "Sorry, who are you?"

???~ "Oh sorry, I'm Wonyoung"

Y/N~ "Ok."

Wonyoung~ "So, are you and the new guy like, a thing?"

Y/N~ "Heeseung? Nope. You can have him."

Wonyoung~ "What makes you think I want him?"

Y/N~ "Just a guess."

Wonyoung~ "Is he dating anyone?"

Y/N~ "Not that I know of." I purposefully leave out the fact that he's getting married in a week.

Wonyoung~ "Okay cool." I nod and get back to my work.

Wonyoung~ "You're friends with Kate, Anna, and Yuki right?"

Y/N~ "Yes. Why?"

Wonyoung~ "Oh no reason. You should come hangout with me and my friends."

Y/N~ "I'm hanging out with Anna, Kate, and Yuki. Sorry maybe another time."

Wonyoung~ "Okay." I smiled at her and got back to my work.

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