Heeseung fic

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The next time I caught him staring at me I looked back. We made eye contact and I wanted to look away but every time I tried, My body wouldn't let me and I found myself lost in his eyes. NO I can't!! It just feels wrong in some way, but I can't place it and it's driving me crazy.. He's driving me crazy. The tension between us continued throughout the entire movie. He could feel it, I could feel it.. We snapped out of our thoughts when we saw the movie credits. 

Mr. Lee~ "Well, you two should get to sleep. You don't want to be late for school tomorrow and you need to wake up on time."

Heeseung~ "Okay. Goodnight mom, goodnight dad, I love you."

Mr. Lee & Mrs. Lee~ "Goodnight love you too."

Mrs. Lee~ "Sleep well Y/N, let us know if you need anything."

Y/N~ "Okay, thank you."

Mrs. Lee~ "Of course!" We walked back into Heeseung's room. 

Y/N~ "So... Where am I going to sleep?"

Heeseung~ "My mom said you can sleep in here if you want to."

Y/N~ "But where?"

Heeseung~ "Uh on the bed...??"

Y/N~ "With you???"

Heeseung~ "Chillax.. I'll sleep on the floor, and you can sleep on my bed."

Y/N~ "It's your room though."

Heeseung~ "And I'm choosing to let you sleep on my bed."

Y/N~ "I can just sleep on the couch."

Heeseung~ "No, sleep here."

Y/N~ "Why?"

Heeseung~ "Because sleeping on the couch is not comfortable."

Y/N~ "Neither is the floor."

Heeseung~ "Fine. You win. I'll also sleep on the bed."

Y/N~ "What??"

Heeseung~ "It's fine if nothing is going to happen right?"

Y/N~ "I guess so..."

Heeseung~ "Ok well goodnight." He says as we slowly get into the covers. Neither of us could sleep though, we were wide awake. I decided to play on my phone until I got tired, but I never did. I turned over to see if Heeseung was still awake, but he wasn't. I quietly got out of bed, and wandered into the kitchen. I sat on a chair and continued playing my game. 

Heeseung~ "Why are you awake?"

Y/N~ "Jesus.. You scared me." I say putting my hand over my chest and closing my eyes.

Heeseung~ "Sorry.."

Y/N~ "You're fine.."

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