Heeseung fic

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As I'm walking to school, one of my classmates walks up to me.

???~ "Hey Y/N!"

Y/N~ "Hi, what's your name again? Sorry I always forget."

???~ "Oh, its Soobin."

Y/N~ "Righttt okay I remember now. Wait why are you here?"

Soobin~ "I live here...?"

Y/N~ "We're neighbors?"

Soobin~ "Yeah I live just up the street."

Y/N~ "I guess I never noticed."

Soobin~ "I guess not haha"

Y/N~ "Soobin, okay it is now noted in my brain."

Soobin~ "We'll see how long that lasts."

Y/N~ "Yah.." He laughs.

Soobin~ "You look pretty today."

Y/N~ "Are you saying I didn't look pretty before today?"

Soobin~ "What? No! I meant just-"

Y/N~ "I'm just kidding."

Soobin~ "Oh okay." He says and relaxes.

Y/N~ "Thank you though."

Soobin~ "Yeah sure." We walk in the school doors, and then part ways. He smiles and waves as he walks away. I see Heeseung waiting for me when I get to my locker.

Heeseung~ "Who was that handsome guy?"

Y/N~ "What?"

Heeseung~ "Who was that guy you were talking to?"

Y/N~ "Is someone jealous?"

Heeseung~ "Y/N who was it?"

Y/N~ "Don't worry."

Heeseung~ "Why? Should I be?"

Y/N~ "No, he's just me neighbor."

Heeseung~ "I've never seen you with him before.."

Y/N~ "Yeah well I don't usually see him, but we crossed paths when we were walking to school. That's all it is don't worry."

Heeseung~ "Okay." He says and puts his arm around my shoulder and leans himself on me.

Y/N~ "Yah you're heavy.."

Heeseung~ "I'm ripped what can I say."

Y/N~ "Stop leaning on me I'm gonna fall over.." I say trying to push him but he's acting like jello.. He won't move. He leans more and then we fall over onto the floor, me landing right smack on top of him. He widens his eyes and I immediately get up. 

Anna~ "I'm sorry, are we interrupting something?"

Y/N~ "What? No!"

Anna~ "You sure about that?" She says smirking at me.

Y/N~ "Yes I'm very sure.. Some idiot leaned on me and my and Heeseung fell over."

Heeseung~ "Hey, that's not very nice.."

Anna~ "I'm confused.."

Y/N~ "Let's go to class, we all have a history test." Anna opens her mouth about to protest but I grab her arm and drag her to class.

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