Heeseung fic

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Mrs. Lee~ "Y/N, are you up?" I heard her knock on my door. I didn't respond, and she quietly opened the door and walked in. 

Mrs. Lee~ "Y/N, time to get up love." She said gently waking me up.

Y/N~ "Hi."

Mrs. Lee~ "Rough night?" I nodded groggily getting out of bed.

Mrs. Lee~ "Well come and get dressed, then we'll discuss our plans for today."

Y/N~ "Okay." I replied as she left my room. Since I already showered I just had to get dressed and go my makeup. I decided on a lacy white crop top, with acid washed ripped shorts, white converse and a light blue zip up hoodie. I put on my jewelry, put my makeup on and curled my hair. Then I was ready and headed into the kitchen. 

Heeseung~ "You look pretty." He said hugging me. I hugged him back closing my eyes.

Mrs. Lee~ "So, today Heeseung you and Y/N are going cake tasting to see which cake you want, and Heeseung you will get your suit and Y/N, you'll get you wedding dress. Nancy wants to come to the wedding dress shopping, and after that I will have some things to do, so busy day." We nodded, I'm excited for all of it actually.

Y/N~ "Which are we doing first?"

Mrs. Lee~ "Dress and suit shopping. Heeseung, you'll go with your dad, and Y/N will come with me and Nancy."

Heeseung ~"Okay."

Mrs. Lee~ "Y/N, Nancy will meet us at the shop."

Y/N~ "Okay."

Mrs. Lee~ "You'll ride with your dad Hee, and Y/N will ride with me, then we'll meet up for cake tasting."

Heeseung & Y/N~ "Okay."

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