Heeseung fic

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Nancy~ "There's something I need to show you. I probably should have shown you this long ago, but I was too stubborn. Y/N, I apologize for the way I've been treating you, when Heeseung called saying he hadn't seen you, when I knew you hadn't come home that night, my heart broke into a million pieces. I'm so sorry I've been so rude I should have been more involved, but almost losing you made me realize I need to make things right. Will you give me another chance?"

Y/N~ "All I've ever wanted as for us to have a good relationship, of course I'll give you another chance." I say letting a tear slip down my cheek as she pulled me into another hug. 

Nancy~ "Now come on, I've got something to show you." She says leading me into her room which I've never been allowed in. She grabs a key from the top shelf of her closet, and unlocks a door. She leads me in and I gasp. It's a little room filled with pictures of me and my dad, Nancy and my dad, and pictures of my dad when he was little. They were all plastered on the wall, with strips of starlight lights, and LED lights. It was beautiful. I could feel tears fall from my eyes while I as looking through boxes of his old things, and more pictures. 

Y/N~ "Thank you for showing me this. I really needed it." I say smiling at her.

Nancy~ "Of course, you're free to come here any time, the key is on my top shelf in my closet. You can come and show Heeseung or your friends anytime."

Y/N~ "Thank you so much Nancy." I say hugging her tightly. 

Nancy~ "You've had a crazy day today, you should get some sleep. You don't have to go to school I understand if you'll be too tired."

Y/N~ "Well actually I need to because I missed a test when Wonyoung got me stuck in my locker.."

Nancy~ "What?"

Y/N~ "It's a long story... I just need to be there to talk to my teacher about the test."

Nancy~ "What are you going to tell him? You can't be honest about it..."

Y/N~ "Yeah obviously... I'll think of something."

Nancy~ "Okay, go get some sleep."

Y/N~ "Okay." I say and walk to my room collapsing onto my bed.

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