Heeseung fic

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Heeseung~ "Then you won't like this?" He said before planting soft sweet kisses along my neck. I tried to resist but he has a weird way of pulling me in. I turned to face him and kissed his lips, he kissed me back pressing harder. Our lips parted, melting, soft. He wrapped his arm around my waist under the blanket, and pulled me onto his lap. His hands slid up my back, over my shoulder blades. The blanket fell from around my shoulders. Then one of Heeseung's hands was in my hair, cradling my head. He pulled me hard against his chest, as if he couldn't get me close enough. I'd pictured moments like this, ever since I saw him at school that day, even though I told myself it was wrong, it never stopped me from falling harder. I'd had awkward first date kisses with other guys, but the passion in Heeseung's  kiss, his lips searching mine, as if looking for an answer that could save his life was more then anything I could have ever imagined. The coldness of the air conditioned room melted away around us. I'd never felt so overwhelmed by warmth. I slid my hands across his shoulders, then up his neck. My fingers tangled in his hair. I leaned my head back as he trailed his lips down my jawline, and neck. My heart pounded with the truth I'd been trying to deny, the words I couldn't hold in any longer. 

Y/N~ "Heeseung I love you."

Heeseung~ "I love you too." I was so lost in the moment I forgot e were supposed to sleep early.

Y/N~ "Okay but you need to go to your room now. We really do have a busy today tomorrow."

Heeseung~ "Yeah ok ok.. Love you."

Y/N~ "Love you too." I replied as he left the room. I got back under the covers and quickly fell asleep.

Time skip

I woke up and checked the time.. Crap I need to shower, the wedding is tomorrow! I grabbed my things and got into the shower. I was excited, and the only thing I could think about was the wedding, how I'd always dreamed of getting married, how I was always excited for my dad to walk my down the isle. Accept.. My dad won't be there to walk me. The more I thought about this, the more sad I got. I pictured how happy my dad looked when I made him the most tacky card for fathers day, and my eyes started to water. Soon enough I was crying my eyes out, and I got mad at the doctors who couldn't help him, who didn't save him. He died, he's really gone and he won't be there to witness me getting married.

Y/N~ "I hate you." I said into the water. I pounded my fist on the shower wall.

Y/N~ "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" I cried as if speaking to his doctor. I stood in the shower for so long until it turned cold. Then I stood longer, letting the freezing water pierce my skin, just to feel something other then my anger. I stumbled out of the shower, shivering an clutching my stomach. I felt drained, tired, and crawled back into bed, wrapped in my robe.

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