Heeseung fic

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Mom~ "Get down here! We're leaving right now!" She shouts at my dad, and he comes running downstairs.

Dad~ "What's wrong?" He asks looking at me worriedly. 

Mom~ "Just grab your gun and get in the car I'll explain on the way there!" We run into the garage, grab his gun and leave for the church.


The ropes tied to my wrists and ankles are starting to really hurt, I can feel the rope on my ankle cutting my skin. I let tears fall down my cheeks, and hang my head giving up. I'm going to die here, and I never got the chance to tell Heeseung I love him. I've been to stubborn and I've been avoiding my feelings, and I don't know why I can't find a reasonable excuse for this. Now it's too late.

Wonyoung~ "Well by the looks of it, he never loved you and he never will. It's really too bad you have to die like this isn't it?" She says slowly approaching me with her blade and puts it to my neck lightly pressing against my skin, and I can feel my skin being cut, and blood dripping down my neck. I scream and cry but no matter how hard I try, I'm still stuck here. 

???~ "I'm here now leave her!" She stops and removes the blade from my neck, turning around. Heeseung runs over to me and falls to his knees his eyes scanning my body head to toe. He notices the blood on my neck and you can practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

Heeseung~ "I told you to not lay a hand on her or I will kill you." He says slowly standing up facing her.

Wonyoung~ "Technically it was a blade." She says and throws it, and it hits the floor with a metal bang. Heeseung attempts to untie me, but I see Wonyoung creep up behind him, raising the blade above his head. I scream trying to get my wrists loose, but I can't. Heeseung follows my eyes and sees Wonyoung just in time. She pins him to the floor, the blade on his neck. 

Mrs. Lee~ "Shoot! Shoot her!"

Mr. Lee~ "There's no bullets!" They panic and I try to free myself but it's useless.

???~ "Get off my brother you crazy bitch!" We hear someone shout, and the next thing I hear is two gunshots. I flinch and my eyes widen as I see Wonyoung fall to the floor. 

Mrs. Lee~ "Honey!! You're here!!" I see Heeseung's mom hug the woman who shot Wonyoung.. So this is Heeseung's sister I've been wanting to meet. 

Heeseung gets up off the floor, and unties me, and slowly removes the duct tape from my mouth, so gently it barely even hurts. He looks in my eyes, and he looks so happy. He cries, and I cry as he pulls me into a hug. I inhale his scent and smile. He pulls away and attaches his lips to  mine wrapping his arms around my waist. I smile, finally I'm kissing him. I've only known him for a few days, but it feels like I've known him my whole life. 

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