Heeseung fic

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Why did she suddenly ask so many questions about him then say she doesn't like him? But then again why should I care? I guess I should considering the fact we're getting married in less then a week. I should probably tell the girls about that sooner then later... I want to invite them and have them be my bridesmaids but I'm kind of scared to tell them, because I know Yuki has a crush on Heeseung she just doesn't want to admit it. Everyone knows she does, every time Anna or Kate brings him up she always lights up but then she gets frustrated when they talk about me and him. The bell rings, and I grab my things and leave to my locker to change textbooks. I'm walking down the hall when that Wonyoung girl catches up to me.

Wonyoung~ "Hey!!"

Y/N~ "Hi."

Wonyoung~ "So since you two aren't a thing, please tell your friend Yuki, and yourself to stay away from him, or we might have issues. Thanks!!" She says and skips off happily as if she didn't just threaten me and my friends... I shake my head and open my locker. 

Wonyoung~ "Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

Y/N~ "You don't control me or my friends ok? We will hangout with him if we want to, it's out of your control." I say grabbing my textbooks. She throws the things I'm holding out of my hands, grabs my sweater sleeves and shuts them in my locker, making me widen my eyes in shock at her sudden actions. I'm stuck..

Wonyoung~ "I told you. STAY AWAY." I try to get my sleeves loose, but it's no use. I'm stuck and I'm going to be late for class. I have a test today and now I'm going to get a zero!

Y/N~ "Wonyoung come back!! I have a test!!"

Wonyoung~ "Maybe you should have thought about that before." She says waving at me as she leaves. I uncomfortably stand there. Why of all days for this to happen, it had to be today? I can't fail this test it's a huge part of my grade and I can't have Nancy on my ass for this. She'll never believe me if I tell her the real reason why I missed the test. I thought about just taking my sweater off, but I'm not wearing anything under it, so that is not an option. I must have been really upset because I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I see Heeseung sneaking out of his class, and scoff. Typical Heeseung skipping classes. Wait wait! He can help me!

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