Heeseung fic

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Y/N~ "I'm glad I'm here, but you should really thank Heeseung and his family, I would have died if they hadn't shown up when they did." I say pulling out of the hug. She scans my body with her eyes, and looks at my neck worriedly.

Nancy~ "What happened to your neck? This looks fresh." She asks leaning in and touching the cut on my neck. 

Y/N~ "Ouch.." I flinch in pain.

Nancy~ "Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Y/N~ "No, I think I'm okay." 

Nancy~ "Well let me go get the first aid kit. Please, come in everyone!" She says leading us in, and goes upstairs to get the first aid kit. We take a seat in the kitchen as she comes down with the first aid kit. She grabs some alcohol wipes, band aids, and ointment, and gently wipes my neck with the alcohol wipe. It hurts like a bitch.. Once the cut is clean, she puts ointment on and a band aid. She then does the same the my ankles, and puts the things in the kit and puts it  back upstairs. 

Heeseung~ "Do you want to come over?"

Y/N~ "I think I'm going to rest today, but how about we hangout after school tomorrow?"

Heeseung~ "Okay, get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning."

Y/N~ "Okay."

Mr. Lee~ "Bye Y/N."

Mrs. Lee~ "Get some good sleep love."

Y/N~ "Okay, bye guys I'll see you all tomorrow." They nod and smile as they leave and close the front door behind them.

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