Heeseung fic

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Y/N~ "You know you're cute when you pout." I say giggling.

Heeseung~ "Hey are you saying I'm not cute any other time?"

Y/N~ "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying."

Heeseung~ "Hey! Not funny.." He says pouting again.

Y/N~ "Relax.. I only said that to make you pout more.

Heeseung~ "Not funny."

Y/N~ "Okay okay I'm sorry." I say and peck his lips, starting to walk out of his room, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me. He pulls me hard enough to where I accidentally land on his lap. We look at each other with wide eyes but then he kisses my lips slowly, and I kiss him back as he slowly wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me gently against him. I wrap my hands around his neck, and he grabs my waist, pulling me down on the bed hovering over me. He looks at my lips, and bites them before kissing me again. I start to unbutton his shirt and run my hand down his body, as he plants kisses down my neck lifting my shirt up taking it off, when we hear a knock on the door. We both freeze, then he quickly buttons his shirt back up and we quickly sit by each other right as Nancy opens the door. We plant fake smiles on our faces and Nancy eyes us suspiciously.

Nancy~ "I don't know what I just walked into, but it you have one more damn day.. Control your hormones..." She says eyeing Heeseung's shirt. The buttons are all messed up and it looks weird.. Great. How embarrassing.... I sigh and we follow her downstairs for dinner.

Y/N~ "It looks amazing thank you!" 

Ms. Lee~ "Of course! You've got a big day tomorrow!!"

Y/N~ "Yes we do." I say smiling at Heeseung. He smiles back and takes a bite of his food caressing my hand.

Mrs. Lee~ "It is a pretty late dinner, and we need to get up more early tomorrow so you two should get to bed after dinner okay?"

Heeseung~ "Yeah okay." We eat dinner quickly, help Nancy and Mrs. Lee with the dishes, then we head upstairs for bed. I change into that hoodie of Heeseung's again and then crawl into bed with him falling asleep quickly in his arms.

*time skip*

Mrs. Lee~ "Come on guys time to get up!!" She says opening the windows shinning sun in our eyes.

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