Heeseung fic

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Y/N~ "S-so... When's the wedding?"

Mr. Lee~ "In one week."

Y/N~ "WHAT??"

Heeseung~ "Am I really that bad?"

Y/N~ "I don't even know you yet and I have to marry you in a week! I'm freaking out a little."

Heeseung~ "That's understandable, it really is, but we'll get through it."

Y/N~ "How can you be so calm?"

Heeseung~ "It won't be easy, but it will be a good learning experience for both of us."

Y/N~ "You really mean that?"

Heeseung~ "I do. Would it make you feel better if we hangout this week so you'll know who you're marrying?"

Y/N~ "I guess it would." I say looking away.

Mrs. Lee~ "Y/N darling, why don't you come spend the night at our house tonight?" Me and Heeseung both look at her surprised, then look at each other. I didn't really know what to say, and it's up to Nancy anyway.

Nancy~ "That's a great idea!"

Y/N~ "It is..?"

Nancy~ "Yes! That way you'll know the house you'll live in, and you'll get a feel about the people you'll be living with."

Y/N~ "Yeah I guess." Heeseung smiled as we ate dinner.

Mrs. Lee~ "Let me help you with that!" She said as Nancy took the dishes to the sink and started washing them.

Nancy~ "Oh! There's no need, don't worry I've got it."

Mr. Lee~ "Well, should we get going? Heeseung, Y/N you ready?"

Y/N~ "Uhhh can I grab a few things first?"

Mrs. Lee~ "Of course!"

Y/N~ "Thanks."

Nancy~ "Hurry up."

Y/N~"Ok." I grabbed a bag and put a new change of clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, phone charger, hair brush, and hair tie in it. When I finished packing, I headed downstairs. 

Heeseung~ "You ready future wife?" I shot him a nervous look.

Heeseung~ "Too soon?" I nodded as his mom guided us out and thanked Nancy.

Mrs. Lee~ "Y/N you can sit with Heeseung in the back."

Y/N~ "Okay.. Sure." I say as me and Heeseung climb in the back.

Y/N~ "I'm surprised someone as rich as yourself is driving this thing.. We barely fit.."

Heeseung~ "Well, my sister has our car right now so this was our only option."

Y/N~ "You have a sister?"

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