Heeseung fic

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Heeseung~ "Wait, you love me??"

Y/N~ "W-what?"

Heeseung~ "You said you love me."

Y/N~ "No I didn't.."

Heeseung~ "Yes, you did." He says walking closer to me. I backed away but he kept walking closer.

Y/N~ "Why did you tell them that I'm your wife??"

Heeseung~ "Because you are, aren't you?"

Y/N~ "Not for another four days I'm not." He rolls his eyes.

Heeseung~ "Close enough."

Y/N~ "Not really..." He walks closer to me until my back hits a whiteboard on the wall, and puts his hands on the wall between me, trapping me. I could feel my heart beat increase dramatically and loudly enough that I'm sure he could hear.. I tried to move but my body wouldn't let me. He looked at my lips playing with my hair, then he leans in and rubs his lip against mine, and bites my lip but still not kissing me.

Y/N~ "If you're going to kiss me then do it.. Don't tease me like this."  I can feel him wrap his hands around my waist, pushing me against the wall and pressing his body against mine. 

Heeseung~ "As you wish." He whispers and kisses my lips. I instantly kiss him back, wanting him so badly. My hands travel to his shirt collar and I deepen the kiss, moving my lips with his.

Heeseung~ "So you love me?"

Y/N~ "I love you." He then kisses down my neck and I feel my skin burn as he lightly bites and sucks my neck, and I couldn't help but moan at the sensation.. 

Heeseung~ "It's really too bad we're not married yet.." He says pulling away his hands not leaving my waist.

Y/N~ "Why is that?"

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