Heeseung fic

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*time skip to morning*

Anna~ "Y/N. wake up! We have school soon"

Yuki~ "You brought school stuff right?"

Y/N~ "Yes.." 

Anna~ "Ok good now get up"

Y/N~ "Okay"

Kate~ "Soooo about that mysterious guy of yours... Where does he live?"

Y/N~ "I don't know where he lives, I don't know what school he goes to, I don't know anything about him."

Anna~ "Did you catch his name?"

Y/N~ ".... Oh yea, It's Heeseung." They all froze and looked at each other.

Y/N~ "Am I missing something?"

Yuki~ "Uhh no it's probably no that Heeseung anyways.."

Y/N~ "What do you mean 'that Heeseung' ?"

Kate~ "Welllll.... There's a new student at our school who supposedly works for the mafia but I'm sure it's just a rumor."

Yuki~ "Yeah. Plus he's like... super hot.."

Anna~ "YUKI!!! WTF"

Y/N~ "Anyways... I'm going to get ready now." I say desperately wanting to change the subject.

Anna~ "Good call... We don't want to be late." I can't help but wonder if the Heeseung I met is the same Heeseung as the new guy.. I don't think it is though, because wouldn't I have noticed him? Or maybe he wasn't in any of my classes? I guess we'll see when we get there.

Anna~ "We'll point him out for you and you tell us if it's the same guy k?"

Y/N~ "Alright. We should leave though, I can drive."

Anna~ "Okay." We grabbed our bags, walked downstairs and out the front door to my car. We were going to be late if we don't hurry so I sped a little bit... But it's fine.... I didn't get pulled over so that's good. We parked and walked in the school gates and through the doors. 

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