Heeseung fic

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We crawled into the backseat, and put our seat belts on. In the process of putting them on, my hand accidentally touched his, and my skin burned up as I quickly moved my hand away. We were silent the rest of the car ride. We quickly arrived at school and hopped out of the car waving at his mom. We walked through the school doors and he followed me to my locker. 

Y/N~ "What are you doing?"

Heeseung~ "What? Can I not talk to you in school? Am I that much of an embarrassment to you?"

Y/N~ "No I was just asking.." I say typing in the combination for my locker. It opened, and I hanged my coat up, and grabbed my Science textbook. After I grabbed my book, Heeseung slammed my locker shut and turned me around to face him, pinning me on my locker. I looked at him with wide eyes.

Heeseung~ "Are we still not going to talk about the tension between us?"

Y/N~ "T-there is no tension.."

Heeseung~ "Oh really..?" He whispers looking down at my lips sending butterflies through my stomach.

Y/N~ "Nope."

Heeseung~ "You don't feel anything?" He says leaning close to my lips and brushing his fingers on my waist.

Y/N~ "I don't.." I say avoiding his eyes.

Heeseung~ "That's too bed then." He says grabbing my chin making my eyes meet his.

Heeseung~ "Because if that's true, I'll never... Ever... Kiss you.." He says leaning even closer, then smirks and walks away. What the hell was that..

Anna~ "OMFG Y/N!!! WHAT WAS THAT?!!??" I turn around and see Anna, Kate, and Yuki.

Y/N~ "Exactly how much of that did you see..?" I say my hand on my chest. My heartbeat does not calm down-

Anna~ "Enough to see the tension between you two goddamn its hot in here.."

Y/N~ "Why do people keep saying that.."

Kate~ "Is anyone else saying that?"

Y/N~ "Yes."

Yuki~ "Who?"

Y/N~ "Him, his mom, his dad, Nancy, and now you guys."

Anna~ "How do your parents know?"

Y/N~ "Nancy invited them for dinner yesterday."

Yuki~ "Why?"

Y/N~ "I'm not sure." I lie, I didn't want to tell them about the whole arranged marriage thing yet.

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