Heeseung fic

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He moves his lips with mine in sync and pulls my body against his, and I can feel him smile. He then pulls away, looking into my eyes. I close mine as he connects his forehead with mine. We hear his mom clapping and squealing, and we pull away embarrassed. When his sister turns around, I see her face and my heart falls to my feet..

Y/N~ "Mina?"

Mina~ "Hey Y/N."

Y/N~ "So Heeseung was the mafia brother you were talking about.."

Mina~ "Yeah, I never would have told you if I didn't know about the marriage thing."

Y/N~ "How long have you known?"

Mina~ "About a month. Seems like you guys have no issue with getting married.." She says smirking at us eyeing our intertwined hands. 

Y/N~ "Does this mean I don't have to hide at your house anymore?" I ask looking up at Heeseung.

Heeseung~ "No you still do."

Y/N~ "What? why?"

Heeseung~ "Cause if you leave I'll miss you." I roll my eyes and shove him away as he laughs.

Mina~ "I see what you meant mom, lot's of chemistry dayum..." We both go silent embarrassed again.

Mr. Lee~ "Well, we should get Y/N back to Nancy." Heeseung pouts hearing this. 

Mr. Lee~ "Then she can come over if Nancy is okay with it." I look at Heeseung and see him smile. He grabs my hands and drags me to the car, and into the backseat. Everyone gets into the car, and we drive to my house. Heeseung grabs my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine, smiling at me. I smile back as park in the front of my house, and we get out and walk to the door. I reach for my house key in my pocket, but it must have fallen out at the church, so I just rung the doorbell. Nancy comes rushing to the door, with tears falling from her eyes and pulls me into a tight hug. I'm to shocked to respond.

Nancy~ "Oh Y/N! I'm so glad you're safe!!" She sobs not letting go. I slowly wrap my arms around her and let some tears fall from my eyes. 

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