Heeseung fic

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I grab a few dresses that look very pretty, and tried them on. They look flattering but none of them made me feel magical, and that's how I want to feel in my dress, so I keep looking. This went on for many minutes, but finally I found a dress that made me feel magical.. I'm amazed and obsessed... I walked out of the changing room and everyone was staring at me. 

Nancy~ "You look stunning, this is the best one so far."

Mrs. Lee~ "This is the one don't you think?"

Y/N~ "Yes absolutely one hundred percent." This was the dress:

I'm obsessed with it, it makes me look like a princess and it makes me feel magical like a queen

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I'm obsessed with it, it makes me look like a princess and it makes me feel magical like a queen. I love it. I can't wait for Heeseung to see it. I can't wait to see Heeseung in his suit. We buy the dress, and we buy some new heels, things for my hair, and some jewelry then we leave to meet up with Heeseung and Mr. Lee for cake tasting. I give him a huge hug when we get there.

Heeseung~ "Hello to you too." He chuckles. 

Worker~ "I assume these are the almost to be weds?" He says pointing at me and Heeseung.

Nancy~ "That's them." 

Worker~ "They really do look perfect together."

Mrs. Lee~ "That's what I always tell them."

Worker~ "I bet. So, what kind of cakes are we looking for today?"

Heeseung~ "Vanilla and or strawberry." I look at him and smile. He knows my favorites.

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