Heeseung fic

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I walk into my math class and sit in the front. I have to keep my grades and and focus on my studies like usual. Just because I made some friends doesn't mean I can let my grades drop. I have to keep them up or Nancy will kill me. I was paying attention to my teacher and I barely noticed when someone sat by me. 

Heeseung~ "So I'm guessing you're that one nerd of the class who always has straight A's?"

Y/N~ "Shut up I'm trying to listen."

Heeseung~ "I'll take that as a yes then." I slap him and avert my attention back to the teacher, or at least I'm trying but Mr stalker here won't stop staring at me.

Y/N~ "What? Why are you staring at me you stalker."

Heeseung~ "Jesus I am not a stalker stop calling me that nerd."

Y/N~ "I'm not a nerd."

Heeseung~ "Grades say otherwise."

Y/N~ "First off, there's nothing wrong with being good in school. Second, how would you know? Are you the one grading my papers? Didn't think so."

Heeseung~ "I didn't have to. You've got that nerdy presence in the classroom."

Y/N~ "I don't even know what that means."

Heeseung~ "Hmmm so you don't know everything? Shocker.."

Y/N~ "Yah! Shut your mouth hole please."

Heeseung~ "That's creative. Never heard that one before."

Y/N~ "Oh but people use that all the time. You just wouldn't know because you probably spend all your hours in the basement of your house playing video games."

Heeseung~ "Video games don't give me the body that I have now do they?"

Y/N~ "You're very modest. I'm impressed."

Heeseung~ "I don't hear any denial."

Y/N~ "Deny deny, deny."

Heeseung~ "Sure."

Teacher~ "Are you two paying attention?"

Y/N~ "Yes ma'am."

Teacher~ " Heeseung what did I just say?"

Heeseung~ "Let's see... Oh right. You asked us if we were paying attention."

Teacher~ "You leave a fantastic first impression Mr. Lee. See me after class." 

Y/N~ "Bruh... You already have a bad reputation.."

Heeseung~ "I don't care what reputation I leave. I'm not acting for anyone but myself."

Y/N~ "You're so accomplished I'm so jealous."

Heeseung~ "You're not very nice."

Y/N~ "And you are?"

Heeseung~ "At least I'm trying.."

Y/N~ "Why?"

Heeseung~ "Because.."

Y/N~ "If you don't have a valid reason then stop bothering me."

Heeseung~ "Damn.. Why you gotta be so cold?"

Y/N~ " I don't like to waste my time."

Heeseung~ "I apologize miss perfect, for wasting your time."

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