Heeseung fic

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Heeseung~ "Yah.. I'm not embarrassing u little brat.."

Y/N~ "You are right now beanstalk.."

Heeseung~ "Midget." We look at each other then burst out laughing. I kinda forget everyone is there and instantly shut up, and so does Heeseung. 

Soobin~ "Well I clearly waited too long. I hope you guys stay happy, I'm sorry for the trouble."

Heeseung~ "It's all good."

Y/N~ "Yeah, you're good Soobin." He smiles and walks away.

Anna~ "I ship it. Y'all are so cute."

Heeseung~ "I know right."

Kate~ "It's weird to think that we'll be classmates with a married couple in a few days."

Anna~ "For real.. Wait we're invited to the wedding right?"

Y/N~ "Obvi... I want you three to be my bridesmaids."


Kate~ "Yes pleaseeee I accept!!"

Y/N~ "What about you, Yuki?"

Yuki~ "I think I'll pass." She says getting up and walking away.

Anna~ "Ok that was a real bitch move... What's with her lately?"

Kate~ "Have you really not noticed?"

Anna~ "Noticed what?"

Kate~ "Hate to make this awkward Heeseung and sorry about this, but Anna, she's in love with him too." I drop my fork the same time Heeseung clears his throat awkwardly.

Anna~ "You're sure?"

Kate~ "Anna, how blind can you be honestly..?"

Anna~ "Sorry.."

Kate~ "No you're good babes." She says and hugs Anna as they giggle. 

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