Heeseung fic

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Y/N [ Hey Anna!! Thanks for reaching out! I'd be happy to join, you're right. I could use a friend. I have to ask my step mom first though. ] within seconds she replies.

Anna [ Perfect! Hope she says yes! ]

Y/N [Me too ]

I call Nancy.

Nancy~ "Hello?"

Y/N~ "Hi!"

Nancy~ "What do you want, Y/N?"

Y/N~ "Well my friend invited me over for a sleepover, can I please go?"

Nancy~ "You don't have any friends."

Y/N~ "Well now I do! I started talking to this girl from my p-"

Nancy~ "You can go if it will make you stop talking." she cut me off.

Y/N~ "Thank you!" I say happily as she hangs up without saying anything else. She's a pain but I'm glad she said yes.

Anna [So? What did she say? ]

Y/N [ She said yes! ]

Anna [ Yay! When can you come over? ]

Y/N [ uhhh I just gotta grab some things then I will. Send me your address? ]

Anna [ *address* ]

Y/N [ Thanks!! See you soon! ]

Anna [ See ya! ] I pack a bag with some things I'll need and then I head to my car. Of course my dad left it for me, Nancy would never buy me a car. I get to the address quickly. I didn't know she lives in my neighborhood! Cool! I walk up and nervously ring the doorbell.

Anna~ "Its Y/N!!! Let me get it u little brat-" I hear her shout, and I snicker.

Anna~ "Hey!! Come in!" She says opening the door.

Y/N~ "Thanks for inviting me over, it means a lot."

Anna~ "Of course!! The rest of the girls are upstairs. Follow me" I follow her up a staircase and we walk into what I think is her room.

Anna~ "Guys, this is Y/N."

???~ "Hello! I'm Kate."

???~ "And I'm Yuki." 

Y/N~ "Hello!"

Yuki~ "I love your phone its the newest model right?"

Y/N~ "Yess "

Anna~ "Wait your step mom actually bought you one???"

Y/N~ "Hell no she would never."

Anna~ "Oh. Did you buy it then?"

Y/N~ "No actually.. This guy gave it to me."

Anna~ "OOOOOoooO you got a boyfriendd"

Y/N~ "NOoOOO he's annoying, he crashed into me the other night and broke my phone. He randomly brought me a new one this morning."

Anna~ "Well looks like someone's got a crush on you."

Y/N~ "Eww..."

Yuki~ "And what do you mean he crashed into you the other night..... You mean like... yk.."

Y/N~ "What do you me- NO EW"

Yuki~ "Okay hahaha so you meant actually crashed into you I see."

Y/N~ "Yep. RIP to my phone."

Kate~ "At least you got a new one though."

Y/N~ "Yeah."

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