Heeseung fic

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Once we get to his room he shuts the door behind him and sat on his bed with a worried face.

Y/N~ "We'll be okay."

Heeseung~ "You don't know that."

Y/N~ "But if we're together we'll be fine right?"

Heeseung~ "We can try, but this could be very dangerous and I don't want to drag you into this. It's not your job, and I can't be putting you or your family in danger."

Y/N~ "I'm your family in a few days so technically it is my job too." He smiles weakly before looking down fiddling with his hands nervously. I'm nervous because I think I'm falling for him, and every part of me hates myself for it but I can't help being drawn to him.. I think he feels the same, but it's kind of scary I mean we're going to be married in six days and we barely know each other. I really have to tell the girls about the marriage sooner then later. I go and take a seat next to him as he looks at me.

Y/N~ "I think we'll be okay." He smiles at me and maintains eye contact with me. His gaze slowly falls to my lips and I get butterflies in my stomach, slowly looking at his. If we were't both so shy with each other at times like this, I feel like we probably would have kissed but he gulps and I look away. Just then we hear a knock on his door. We both stand up quickly, look at each other then go and open the door. It's  his dad.

Mr. Lee~ "She's back?"

Heeseung~ "Yep."

Mr. Lee~ "Well we might have to cancel the wedding and re schedule.."

Mrs. Lee~ "Nooooooooo anything but that!"

Mr. Lee~ Well then you know what we have to do, don't you Heeseung?"

Heeseung~ "Nope. Absolutely not. We are not doing this again."

Mr. Lee~ "If you have any better ideas I'm all ears."

Heeseung~ "Just let me think of something! But we are not doing that, anything but that."

Y/N~ "What are you guys talking about?"

Heeseung~ "Well we might have to kill her.."

Y/N~ "What?! No!!"

Heeseung~ "I know, that's what I'm saying."

Y/N~ "We really need to come up with a better plan."

Heeseung~ "You're right, we don't really have any good options right now but we'll figure it out. Hopefully..."

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