Heeseung fic

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It was 5:25 by the time I was done, so I ran downstairs to see my step mom all dressed up. She looked pretty.

Y/N~ "You look nice."

Nancy~ "You look better when you're cleaned up like this." I fight the urge to roll my eyes. I check my watch and the second the time changes to 5:30 we hear the doorbell ring. I'm so sure.. How was that so perfect? She opens the door and reveals a well dressed man, a beautiful woman, and behind them was... Heeseung? Why is he here?

Y/N~ "Nancy! Why did you bring him??" 

Nancy~ "Y/N! Be respectful!! I'm so sorry don't mind her." she smiles apologetically at the couple.

Mrs. Lee~ "Oh, there's no need. Y/N, you look stunning. Let's get to business."

Mr. Lee~ "So Y/N knows, correct?"

Nancy~ "Not exactly.. I felt we should tell her together."

Mr. Lee~ "Very well. Y/N, you will be in an arranged marriage with my son."

Y/N~ "Excuse me?"

Mr. Lee~ "It's purely for business, and it will help our families out very much."

Y/N~ "And you all didn't think to ask for my consent?"

Nancy~ "It's business. Sometimes things like this happen."

Y/N~ "But why me? And him? We don't go well together. Like at all."

Mr. Lee~ "Even so, as I said, it's for business." I take a glance at Heeseung who is staring at me with question in his eyes. 

Mr. Lee~ "Me and Heeseung already went ring shopping. We picked out a lovely diamond for Y/N. Heeseung, give her the ring." Heeseung walked towards me and held out his hand. I slowly brought him my hand, as he slipped the ring on my finger. Suddenly this all felt so real, this is actually happening right now..

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