Heeseung fic

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I start walking home and suddenly a huge gust of wind hits me, and my hair goes flying everywhere. So much for fixing my hair Heeseung... A chill runs through my body and I shiver and start running home. I'm about half way when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see if anyone is following me, but I don't see anyone. I frown and continue walking home. I hear footsteps again, this time running, and I try to see who it is but it's too late, I feel something hard hit me in the head, as I faint to the ground. 

Heeseung POV

I can't wait to see Y/N in school today. I wish I could confess my feelings for her, but I don't know how she feels. Sometimes she is sweet with me, but then other times she's aggressive and shows no interest, so I don't know if I should. Either way she's going to be stuck with me forever in five days. I think I'll be able to convince her if we have forever. 

Mom~ "Honey are you ready? We need to leave."

Heeseung~ "Yes ma, I'm just grabbing my bag." I say grabbing my bag and walking downstairs. I head into the car as my mom smiles at me and starts the car, driving to school. She drops me off, and I search the halls for Y/N. Usually she's at her locker by now so I go there, but when I get to her locker she isn't there. I decide to go ask Anna where she is. I walk down the halls and spot her walking into a class.

Heeseung~ "Anna! Wait up!" I say jogging over to her.

Anna~ "Oh hey, perfect. Have you seen Y/N? I think she's absent today." My stomach drops to me feet.

Heeseung~ "I was going to ask you the same thing..."

Anna~ "You haven't seen her at all this morning?"

Heeseung~ "No, I'm a little worried."

Anna~ "Yeah that's weird, she would have called me.."

Heeseung~ "Where do you think she is?"

Anna~ "I'm not sure.. But a lot of people aren't here today."

Heeseung~ "Like who?"

Anna~ "Well Wonyoung isn't, neither is Ja-"

Heeseung~ "What did you just say?"

Anna~ "I was going to say neither is Jay, or Sunghoon."

Heeseung~ "No before that..."

Anna~ "Wonyoung?"

Heeseung~ "Well.. Fuck..." 

Anna~ "Why? What's going on?" 

Heeseung~ "Uhhh nothing got to go!"

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