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I say and run off into the janitors closet and call Nancy.

Nancy~ "Who is this?"

Heeseung~ "Hey Nancy, I was wondering if Y/N came to school today?"

Nancy~ "I thought she was with you..?"

Heeseung~ "No..."

Nancy~ "I thought she slept at your house."

Heeseung~ "No, she left after dinner."

Nancy~ "Well she never came home last night.."

Heeseung~ "You're sure??"

Nancy~ "Yes." My heart started to beat super fast and my hands started to sweat. Where is she? Did Wonyoung hurt her? I needed to find her asap.... I opened the door about to leave but then I got a call with no user ID.. I answered it.

???~ "If you want her back meet me at the abandoned church just off the main freeway." I knew immediately who it was, and I heard screaming in the background, only I knew that voice.. It was Y/N!!

Heeseung~ "Wonyoung what did you do to her?"

Wonyoung~ "I didn't do anything."

Heeseung~ "Then why is she screaming?"

Wonyoung~ "It's probably the duct tape.." 

Heeseung~ "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Wonyoung~ "Oh right, yeah she's tied to a chair with a blindfold and duct tape over her mouth."

Heeseung~ "Let her go!"

Wonyoung~ "I'd be happy to talk when you come. And be quick, or she dies."

Heeseung~ "Wonyoung if you lay one hand on her I won't hesitate to kill you." I growl. She just laughs. 

Wonyoung~ "Get here in thirty minutes. Then we'll talk."

Heeseung~ "That is not enough time! I'm at school!"

Wonyoung~ "30 minutes." 

Heeseung~ "Wonyoung stop let's talk rationally th-" she declines the call before I can finish my sentence. Damn it!! I run home and I don't stop until I get inside the door. 

Mom~ "Why are you home? And where's Y/N?" I couldn't hold it in and I burst into tears.

Mom~ "Honey, what's wrong??"

Heeseung~ "Y/N's been taken!"

Mom~ "By who????"

Heeseung~ "Who do you think? Wonyoung!"

Mom~ "Where is she?"

Heeseung~ "Wonyoung said to meet her in that abandoned church off the end of the freeway, and we have 20 minutes now if we don't want her dead!" I say letting the tears stream down my cheeks.

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