Heeseung fic

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Y/N~ "Heeseung! Come here!" he turns around confused, but when he sees me he looks worried and runs to me.

Heeseung~ "Y/N! Are you okay?? What happened? Who did this to you??" He wipes the tear falling on my cheek and looks between both my eyes worried.

Y/N~ "It's fine- Do you have a shirt I can borrow?" He starts to pull up his shirt but I stop him immediately..

Y/N~ "'Nooo not the one you're wearing! Do you have an extra?"

Heeseung~ "No, why?"

Y/N~ "I'm stuck, and I don't have anything under this."

Heeseung~ "Oh.. Just give me your locker combination?"

Y/N~ "Okay sure.. It's 48-30-7" He nods and successfully opens my locker. My arms are finally loose, but my sweater sleeves are ruined.. Damn.. This is my favorite sweater too. 

Heeseung~ "So are you going to tell me which asshole did this to you and why?"

Y/N~ "You probably don't know her, and you probably won't like the reason."

Heeseung~ "Okay now you have to tell me."

Y/N~ "Well her name is Wonyoung..."

Heeseung~ "What the hell is she doing here??" He looks around anxiously and pulls me into the janitors closet. 

Y/N~ "What are we doing in here?"

Heeseung~ "What exactly did she say to you?"

Y/N~ "She told me, and my friends Yuki specifically to stay away from you or we would have problems."

Heeseung~ "And what did you say?"

Y/N~ "I just told her that she doesn't have control over me or my friends and that we will do whatever we want and she has no say."

Heeseung~ "WHYYY???"

Y/N~ "Because she doesn't...? Is there something you're not telling me?"

Heeseung~ "I'll explain later, right now we need to leave.. How did she even find me? It's only a matter of time before everyone else does.."

Y/N~ "What does that mean?"

Heeseung~ "Grab your things from your locker and let's go."

Y/N~ "Now you're scaring me.."

Heeseung~ "Just come on! Let's go hurry up."

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