Heeseung fic

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Y/N~ "okay okay.." We go and hurry to my locker, grab my coat and my bag and he makes us run all the way to his house. When we get there I'm out of breath.

Mrs. Lee~ "What are you two getting home so early?"

Heeseung~ "Wonyoung is here."

Mrs. Lee~ "Are you sure??"

Heeseung~ "I'm sure." 

Mrs. Lee~ "Well do you need to flee again?"

Y/N~ "Wait so the rumors were true then...?"

Heeseung~ "What rumors?"

Y/N~ "It's nothing don't worry."

Heeseung~ "Y/N... What rumors....??"

Y/N~ "Well... After you had bought me that new phone, Anna asked about it so I told her everything and how I only knew your name so I told her, and he asked if you went to our school, I said I didn't know. Then she said that there was a new guy with the same name that was rumored to have worked with the mafia, and had gotten into trouble.. So she said to point him out at school and it turned out we were talking about the same Heeseung. I still didn't know what I thought about the rumors, but when you said people at your work died every day it slowly started to make sense.. So.. Is it true?"

Heeseung~ "How did that rumor even start?"

Y/N~ "I don't know, but is it true??"

Heeseung~ "Fuck... Yes it's true and now that Wonyoung is here... We're all in danger again."

Y/N~ "Why? Who is she and why is she telling me to stay away from you?"

Mrs. Lee~ "She's still doing that?"

Heeseung~ "Seems to be.."

Y/N~ "I'm confused.."

Heeseung~ "She works against us. I left when I was supposed to be killed. And I knew they'd search for me but I didn't expect it to happen so fast.."

Y/N~ "Well why did you have to be killed?"

Heeseung~ "I was dating someone on the force that works against us, and they found out. When I heard she was killed, I ran. Wonyoung was her best friend, but she also told her not date me, and has been obsessed with me ever since, so of course she had to be the one to come."

Y/N~ "This is ridiculous.. Why does she even care?"

Heeseung~ "Technically I was supposed to die..."

Y/N~ "How did you even get tied into this in the first place?"

Heeseung~ "I told you, I dated that girl and that was one of the main policies I couldn't violate but I did."

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