Heeseung fic

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We try so many different cakes. They were all so good!! In the end I was obsessed with this amazing french vanilla cake, with french vanilla filling with sugared strawberries in the center. It was amazing, and Heeseung loved it too so we went with that one.

Mrs. Lee~ "Thank you so much!"

Worker~ "Yeah of course. Have an amazing wedding!"

Y/N~ "Thank you!" I reply as we leave the building. 

Mrs. Lee~ "Me and your father as well as Nancy have some things to plan, so you two can get some rest." She tells Heeseung once we get home.

Heeseung~ "Okay. Y/N you want to go upstairs?"

Y/N~ "Yeah, okay." I say and follow him upstairs into his room.

Heeseung~ "Did we forget to invite anyone?"

Y/N~ "Not that I know of... Wait, we should ask Soobin to come."  I said teasingly smirking at him.

Heeseung~ "Soobin?!"

Y/N~ "Yeah why not?"

Heeseung~ "Because he totally likes you!"

Y/N~ "I mean can you blame him?" I say sassily flipping my hair.

Heeseung~ "No, I can't. But you, are mine."

Y/N~ "Soobin's handsome don't you thi-"

Heeseung~ "Oh really?" He scoffs grabbing my waist and slamming me on the wall as he towered over me. I groaned as I was pushed onto the wall. 

Y/N~ "Heeseung I was just teasing." I tried to get out of his grip, but he pushed me back easily. I stopped struggling, my eyes stuck on his, realizing he was leaning over me. 

Y/N~ "Can you move now?" I asked getting goosebumps run down down my body. He tilted his head to the side smirking down at me.

Heeseung~ "Why?" I scoffed.

Y/N~ "Yah we don't have time for this."

Heeseung~ "They said we could rest anyways." 

Y/N~ "This isn't resting." I replied trying to get out of his grip again, only to be pushed back his grip tightening. I started getting nervous. I haven't really been paying attention to his touch or our closeness until now.

Y/N~ "Aish, stop testing my patience.." I sighed tilting my head back. Heeseung averted his gaze on my neck and collarbone which was more clearly more visible now, and widened his eyes and looked away. I noticed his wide eyes and it was now my turn to smirk. As he went to pull away, I grabbed on his collar pulling him back, to where he's inches from my face. 

Y/N~ "Done already? I thought you were just getting started?" I said innocently, pouting. Heeseung gulped while looking at my lips making it very obvious. 

Heeseung~ "Oh for fucks sake.." He breathed out still looking at my lips, and slowly leaned in. 

Mrs. Lee~ "Oh yeah we just wanted to ask y-" I let go of his collar immediately, stepping away frightened at their sudden presence. 

Nancy~ "What are you doing? You are not married yet..." 

Heeseung~ "What, can't I spend time with my wife?" He said all nervousness gone.

Nancy~ "One again, not married."

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