Heeseung fic

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Y/N~ "Wow.. You're house is so beautiful."

Mrs. Lee~ "Soon it will be your house too!" Me and Heeseung looked at each other a little nervous. But his family is super sweet and fun to be around so maybe it won't be that bad? 

Mr. Lee~ "Well, you guys go get changed and why don't we watch a movie?"

Heeseung~ "It's a school night though."

Mr. Lee~ "Yes, but you go to sleep at 11. It's only 9:30."

Heeseung~ "Oh. Okay that sounds fun."

Mrs. Lee~ "Okay, Heeseung show Y/N where she'll be sleeping."

Heeseung~ "Okay. Come one Y/N." He says leading me up a staircase. He walks with me into a room that looks like a boys room.

Y/N~ "Is this your room?"

Heeseung~ "Yes."

Y/N~ "I like it, it's  cool."

Heeseung~ "Thanks. You can just change in the bathroom. it's over there." He says and points to a door.

Y/N~ "Okay." I walk into the bathroom and start to unzip my dress, but the zipper is stuck.. Shit.

Y/N~ "Ugh..! Ouch.."

Heeseung~ "Are you okay?"

Y/N~ "Y-yes.. my zipper is stuck.." I say walking out of the bathroom with one strap down, as I was trying to fix it.

Y/N~ "Can you help me please...?"

Heeseung~ "M-me??"

Y/N~ "Nevermind it's fine I'll go ask your mom."

Heeseung~ "No! I-I mean no it's fine I'll do it." I walk to him, and move my hair. I feel his fingers lightly touch my skin as he tries to undo the zipper. Somehow, his touch makes the hair on my neck stand up. He fixes it, and slowly pulls it down. I gulp as I turn around.

Y/N~ "Thanks.."

Heeseung~ "Sure.." I go back into the bathroom in hopes to change into something comfortable, but I forgot to pack something for tonight. I only packed an outfit for tomorrow morning. I slowly walked out of the bathroom again embarrassed, looking at Heeseung.

Heeseung~ "What's wrong now?"

Y/N~ "I forgot to pack a change of clothes for tonight.."

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