Heeseung fic

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Heeseung~ "How did you forget clothes...?"

Y/N~ "Should I ask your mom if I can borrow something?"

Heeseung~ "No no, it's fine you can borrow some of mine." He says going through his drawers. He eventually pulled out a hoodie and sweats for me to wear.

Heeseung~ "These should work." He hands them to me and I walk into the bathroom to change. I change into the hoodie with no problem, but the sweats- They're HUGE on me... They barely even fit around my waist, they keep falling down and there are no drawstrings so that doesn't help.. However the hoodie is also huge on me, and somehow goes just on my knees, so I guess I could wear it like a dress? I decide to do that then walk out of the bathroom. He just stares at me.

Heeseung~ "Why aren't you wearing the pants..? We aren't married yet you know.."

Y/N~ "Yah! You pervert! They're too big on me and they kept falling off!"

Heeseung~ "Well you can't go downstairs like that..."

Y/N~ "What other option do I have?"

Heeseung~ "I don't know."

Y/N~ "Exactly.. Plus I'm sure your mom won't care. Or your dad. They seem to love the idea of us together.."

Heeseung~ "I don't want them to tease us.. It's super annoying."

Y/N~ "You got a better idea? If so, I'd love to hear it."

Heeseung~ "Fine let's just go."

Y/N~ "Yup." He opens the door and we walk downstairs to the living room.

Mrs. Lee~ "Y/N love, did you forget clothes?"

Y/N~ "Yes I forgot them.."

Mr. Lee~ "I'm sure Heeseung was very happy to let you borrow his clothes." Mrs. Lee nods in agreement. We were both silent, embarrassed. 

Mr. Lee~ "Well, let's start a movie!"

Y/N~ "Okayy." I say and take a seat on the couch. Heeseung takes a seat next to me. Heeseung picks a random movie on Netflix and we start watching. It was very awkward... Heeseung kept looking at me.. 

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