Heeseung fic

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Heeseung~ "How did you sleep?" He asks rubbing his eyes.

Y/N~ "I haven't slept this good in a while. What about you?"

Heeseung~ "I slept fine. Why haven't you slept good in a while?"

Y/N~ "It's just hard, with my dad gone. And me and my step mom don't exactly get along."

Heeseung~ "I'm sorry."

Y/N~ "It's fine."

Heeseung~ "I'm sure things will get better over time."

Y/N~ "That's what everyone keeps saying.. But they haven't had their dads die in front of them, and shouldn't I feel better now? It's been two years and nothing has changed."

Heeseung~ "You can't force recovery. It's definitely hard, and it's going to stay hard but what can you do? It'll happen one day, I promise."

Y/N~ "How can you be sure?"

Heeseung~ "Well I didn't want to get into this, but at my work things are very hard, and people die every day including friends, and it's very hard but as long as I keep doing my part, I can stay in a healthy mind set and do things that make me happy. Of course it's sad, but crying isn't going to bring anyone back. It's hard but that's just the truth. One day you'll get there because I did, and if I of all people can do it then you definitely can."

Y/N~ "I really hope so. I'm sorry about the work thing. That seems hard." I wanted to ask more about his work but I could tell it was a sensitive topic, no matter how good he was at hiding his feelings.

Heeseung~ "It is, but I'm strong and I can deal with it." I nod, and we get ready in silence. I feel like now we have respect for each other. We grab our bags and head down for breakfast.

Mr. Lee~ "Good morning! Eat quickly you have a test today and can't be late." We nod as we grab plates and dish ourselves food. 

Mrs Lee~ "How is it?" She asks as I take a bite out of the french toast.

Y/N~ "Wow this is amazing! It's the best french toast I've ever had-" Heeseung chuckles and eats his food. Once we finish, we take our plates to the sink and rinse them off, then put them in the dishwasher.

Mrs. Lee~ "You guys ready to go?"

Heeseung~ "I am, Y/N you ready?" I nod yes and we head into the car.

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