Heeseung fic

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He gets bowls, and mixing whisks and a pan, while I grab ingredients from the pantry. I start making the frosting while he makes the batter.

Heeseung~ "The thing you don't know about me, is that I am an amazing chef."

Y/N~ "I think you mean baker...?"

Heeseung~ "What?"

Y/N~ "Heeseung, we're baking...."

Heeseung~ "Shut it.." He says and gets back to mixing the batter. As I watch him, I think... WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO DAMN FINE AND FOR WHAT?! 

Heeseung~ "You're staring."

Y/N~ "No I'm not.."

Heeseung~ "Yes you were."

Y/N~ "Shut up and try the frosting." He grabs a spoon and dips it in the bowl and tries it.

Heeseung~ "It's good." 

Y/N~ "Well if it'so good then I must try it." I say as I dip my finger in the frosting, walk up to him and spread it on his lips. He looks at me confused, but I lean in and lick the frosting off his lips before he can say anything. He looks at me shocked but then smirks to himself and doesn't say anything. He doesn't know this but I can see him lick his lips.. I must have left some frosting on.

Y/N~ "Is there still frosting on your lips?"

Heeseung~ "Yeah, you should kiss me and clean it off for me.." I throw my jacket at his face and get back to perfecting my strawberry frosting.

Y/N~ "You're making vanilla cake batter right?"

Heeseung~ "Yep, you're favorite right?"

Y/N~ "Stalker." He rolls his eyes while mixing some ingredients together. 

Heeseung~ "You're turn, come try the batter." I dip my finger in the bowl and try it.. It's really good.

Y/N~ "It's so good!!" I say taking another try.

Heeseung~ "Well if it's that good then I have to try it too right?" Before I can protest, he drips some batter across my neck. He looks in my eyes before licking the batter off my neck, but his lips don't leave my neck.

Y/N~ "You already left a mark.." 

Heeseung~ "I'm making a better mark this time." He says and starts kissing my neck, sucking on it on one place.

Y/N~ "I-I think I'm m-marked now.. Oh god...." I moaned as his kisses got more aggressive and he bites my neck. His fingers brush against my waist sending butterflies through my system. 

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