Heeseung fic

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Y/N~ "So what do we do then?"

Mina~ "Well we tricked them into leaving the country by saying he flee'd, but it's only a matter of time before they realize we lied."

Y/N~ "So, what we're safe for now?"

Mina~ "For now."

Y/N~ "Okay so just act normal then."

Mina~ "Yep. That's all we can do right now, I just needed you to know. And I'm sorry, Y/n. For the things I did to you. I was a bitch."

Y/N~ "I don't want to hear it honestly. Thank you for letting me know. But I don't plan on seeing you, or your step brother."

Mina~ "I understand. Thank you for your time Y/N"

Y/N~ "Goodbye, Mina."

Mina~ "Goodbye, Y/N." I get up off the bench and start to walk home, as it's nearly dark now. I'm looking in my messages to see if  my step mom texted or called, when someone bumps into me making me drop my phone.

???~ "Watch it."

Y/N~ "Excuse me? You're the one who bumped into me."

???~ "Sorry, but maybe you should pay attention to where you're going and not stare at your phone while walking in the street?"

Y/N~ "Ok whatever.. Oh my god.."

???~ "What?"

Y/N~ "YOU BROKE MY PHONE!!" I screech staring at my broken screen.

???~ "As I said, you should have been paying attention."

Y/N~ "Ok asshole." 

???~ "Good day." 

Y/N~ "I WON'T THANKS TO YOU!!" He walks away not saying a word. How rude!! I angrily stomp home. 

Nancy~ "Fix your face. Why do you look like that?"

Y/N~ "Because some idiot on the street bumped into me and made me drop my phone and now it's broken!"

Nancy~ "Well maybe you should actually get a job so you can buy a new one. I'm not going to shower you with money and spoil you like your father did."

Y/N~ "Don't talk about my dad that way."

Nancy~ "Go to your room."

Y/N~ "What?"

Nancy~ "NOW"

Y/N~ "Fine!" 

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