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"What is he doing?" Clary asks when she sees Jace just standing with his eyes closed, "He's tracking Magnus. Be quiet and keep your distance." Alec says to Clary making Eva smirk, "The button Eva gave him belonged to Magnus. Jace can pinpoint the location using that." Izzy explains gesturing to The button in Jace's hand that starts glowing. "No. The signal's not strong enough. Magnus must be blocking the track. Let's do this, Alec." Jace said and Eva smiled, she liked seeing her brothers practice their parabatai tracking, because she thought it was cool that her brothers were able to do something so difficult, "Do what?" Clary asked and Eva squealed excitedly "Parabatai tracking." She said watching her big brothers , she held Bob close to her chest as she watched Alec and Jace put their hands together, the button closed in within as they closed their eyes to concentrate on a location "Of course they are." Clary muttered looking between Alec and Jace "When parabatais track, their power grows stronger. Jace and Alec are gonna track Magnus together." Izzy explained and Eva gasped in awe as their hands start glowing. "Yeah, this whole parabatai thing seems oddly intimate, if you ask me." Clary said and Eva looks over at her with a raised eyebrow "worried Carrots?" Eva said getting seriously fed up of Clary's not needed comments and Izzy laughed before scolding her "Eva! You don't know the half of it." She then said to clary when she stopped laughing, jace opened his eyes and began walking away from Alec "Got him." He said and they began heading there right away.

They walked to a big warehouse and began heading inside. The Shadowhunters are walking through a storage room. Eva was confused, why would someone as pretty as Magnus live somewhere like here, "Magnus' lair is right behind that fence." Jace said pointing at a chain link fence, "Magnus lives in a... in a warehouse?" Eva asked after remembering the word, and Jace smiled and looked down at Eva "Not exactly.  It's a Warlock glamour." Eva made an 'ohhhh' sound before nodding, Izzy suddenly stopped walking "Izzy?" Eva asked worries about her sister "Something's wrong. It's far to easy to get this close." She said and Eva realised she was right "His protective wards must be down." Jace said and they took there seraph blades out and Eva put Bob in her back pack so he would be safe but leaving his head and big ears poking out the top as she also took out her hairbrush to use as a weapon. Alec looked at her "I love the enthusiasm Eva but what's a hairbrush gonna do?" He asked her and she scowled at him, "well how about I whack you with it and then you tell me what it does." She said making Jace smile "fair point. Don't leave one of us. And You..." he says pointing at Clary "Don't get in the way." Eva smirks because Alec trusts her not to get in their way. Two men are struggling on an elevated level struggling. One of them pierces their sword through the other one. Eva gasps and grips the hair brush "Oh, God! Valentine found Magnus!" Clary says "no I thought it was Santa Claus." Eva says and Alec points a finger at her "less of the attitude." He says to her and she smirks. The Shadowhunters start running towards the man who fell down. A little girl runs up to him. "Daddy! Daddy? Daddy, get up, please!" She begs him crying and behind the girl, the Circle member appears. "Watch out!" Eva shouts throwing her hairbrush at him hitting him in the head "bullseye!" She cheers when he backs up holding his head in pain, the girl moves over and She quickly gets behind Eva who is smaller than her, "you little shit, I'm gonna enjoy this and look-ee here Clary Fairchild. Valentine will be so pleased to meet you." He says going to grab Eva, she screams when he grabs her and she struggles a little before she bites his hand making him scream and let her go. When he is about to attack again , his arm gets caught in Izzy's whip. He wants to fight Izzy, but a knife is thrown into his back. It was Jace, he looked furious. Eva smiled up at him as she walked over to collect her hairbrush, she also takes Bob out her bag to hold him in her other hand "Thanks for that Jace!" She calls up at him smiling and he winks at her "Anytime." He said and Izzy looked between Clary and Eva "Stick close. It's safest if we stay together." Eva turned to the warlock girl who was crying "It's okay. I won't leave you alone, I promise. I'm Eva what's your name?" She said and the girl looked confused "my names Zoe..." she said confused "what's up? You look confused.?" Eva said and the girl nodded "any shadow hunters, me and my Daddy met were really mean..." she said and Eva nodded "well you haven't met any shadow hunters like me and my siblings." Zoe laughed at her and that when when clary shoved Eva "move were leaving." Eva glared up at her and raised the hair brush, "push me again and see what happens Carrot head." And clary stormed past them, "what's your elephant called?" Zoe asked and Eva smiled "this is Bob my best friend." She said squeezing him to her chest and Zoe smiled at her before Eva and Zoe ran ahead to see Magnus and Alec standing looking at each other with a knocked out circle member on the floor "Well done." Alec said to him and he shrugged "More like medium-rare." Magnus turns around, He sees that the shooter was Alec. "I'm Magnus. I don't think we've been formally introduced. I met your sister she's cute, I like her, she's not like any shadow hunters or I've met before but then again she's quarter their size." Eva's jaw dropped and Zoe giggled, the others hadn't noticed them yet "Alec. Oh, uh... We should really... You know, probably get..." Alec struggled over his words making Eva grin evilly "Right, we should join the party." Magnus said smirking and Alec nodded "Right." He said and turned around then froze seeing Eva's grin and Zoe standing there smiling "This fight's far from over." He said before also noticing the girls. "You know Alec I didn't know we had time for finding wife's." She said and Alec turned red "what... no! I'm- we just..." he was stuttering and the girls started laughing "oh Eva," Zoe laughed before continuing "Magnus would be Alec's husband not his wife." Zoe corrected making Alec walk out beer red and the girls laughed following him but Eva heard Magnus whisper "will be." So she turned back and gave him a thumbs up making him smile and chuckle as he followed the girls through to the other room, Magnus is hugging Zoe when the others come in "Magnus." Clary says and Magnus looks up before looking back at Zoe "Go join the others, my dear. This is no place for a little girl. Go. I heard what you did for Zoe. You risked your life without hesitation to save a young warlock child." Magnus said before looking at Eva who smiled at him "She was just a kid like me and she was in trouble. You helped me back in the club, it's no different. Plus I wanted to throw my brush at the bad guy." She said making Magnus laugh and crouch in front of her " but you always have a choice. You're not like the others, Eva Lightwood. Most Shadowhunters protect Downworlders out of sense of duty, but you saved young Zoe because of what was inside your heart." He said pointing at her chest with his finger, "You saved her because you saw yourself in that position that she was in, you have a purer soul than you'll ever know." He said to her and she giggled before hugging him putting her arms around his neck "thanks sparkles." She said and he laughed "sparkles?" He asked and she pulled back and nodded "yep it's your new nickname because your so glittery!" She said before Clary but it "Magnus, please... you can't hide from this battle. Look, Valentine, he found you once, he will find you again. We need to work together. Help me." Eva wandered over to Zoe who was standing by the portal, "bye Zoe! Hopefully I can see you again someday and I could show you all my toys!" She said and Zoe nodded "yeah hopefully, bye Eva." Zoe said smiling before going through the portal. "The lair's location has been compromised. Hold tight, everyone, we're about to move." Was what Eva heard Magnus saying before she held onto Bob tightly as Magnus uses his magic, to move his apartment.

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