Your not my Alec

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Magnus left to go and retrieve Alec's stele and Eva said she was staying with Izzy and Jace because she doesn't want to see Alec right now so she is with Jace who is with Izzy, gathering stuff. "Might wanna pick up the pace." Jace says and Izzy shoots him a look as Eva stands beside her play with Bobs ears and occasionally reaching up to touch the flower in her hair "You do not wanna be on my bad side right now." Izzy tells him and Jace sighs because he knows that Izzy is having a hard time "Are you gonna be okay?" He asks her and Eva looks up at her big sister hoping that she was okay, "The whole world is turning upside down. Simon turned into a vampire. Now Meliorn might die because of some..." she says about to blame herself not realising what she had said but Eva looked mortified "They're gonna kill Meliorn?!" She almost screeches and Jace and Izzy look at each other worried before Jace turns to Eva "No they're not gonna get the chance, we're gonna save him okay? But you absolutely cannot tell Alec, alright?" He says and Eva nods "as long as Mellie doesn't get hurt." She says and Jace nods before Jace turns to Izzy "It's not anything you did. They just put a bunch of unrelated facts together, and came up with a big lie." He tells her and she doesn't look convinced at all "I wish that made me feel better." She said and they finished packing up everything they needed before going to leave but before they can Hodge walks up to them and Eva gasps and runs over hugging him as he picks her up and holds her tightly "Where do you think you're going? It's a very dangerous time, and no one is supposed to leave the premises without express orders." He says after pulling away from Eva and looking at the bag that Jace was holding "Hodge, we were just about to..." Izzy starts to say but she gets cut off by Hodge "Lie to me?" He says finishing her sentence. Eva doesn't speak up because she doesn't want to say anything that she isn't supposed to so she just lies in Hodges arms and plays with Bob as Jace sighs "Clary needs us, Hodge. The Clave is looking for her. She could be in serious danger." He tells hodge who looks around before looking back at the shadow hunters. He leans forward a bit lowering his voice as he does "Well, in that case, I'd make a timely exit before anyone of importance notices you're gone." He says and Jace smiles at him as he takes Eva back off of Hodge who smiles at waves good bye at the man with Bob "We won't forget this." Jace says and Eva nods before they quickly head towards an exit of the institute and they slip out. Eva has her backpack on which has a few snacks for her and her sippy bottle, in case she gets thirsty, but there is still some space in her bag incase she has to hold anything else.

Eva, Luke, Jace and Izzy are waiting for Clary and Simon outside the hotel dumort, Clary runs to Jace and hugs him. "Hey. Thank God you're okay. So this is your safe hideout, huh?" Jace says and Eva had run up to Simon "Dane!" She said hugging his legs and he scooped her up as Clary continued talking "Well, you think the Clave was gonna look here?" She says as Eva hugs Simon "hey Eva! How are you feeling? Clary told me that you got hurt." Simon said and Eva nodded "I'm all better now." She said smiling and Simon nods "I see you're also rocking the Elephant Pjs very stylish if I do say so myself." He says and she laughs, their attention is grabbed by Izzy "Can we please focus on the matter at hand? Unless no one here cares that the Clave is planning on murdering Meliorn." She snaps and everyone looks over at her, Eva whimpers at the word 'murdering' as Clary and Simon look more confused than anything else "What?" They both ask and Jace sighs looking at them "They think Meliorn has more information on Valentine and the attack than he's saying." Jace says and Eva huffs "which I don't believe because he was really nice to me! Look he gave me a pretty flower." Eva says pointing to the flower that Simon just noticed and Luke looks shocked at the flower in the girls hair he was about to speak up when Simon did instead "I knew there was something different about you!" Simon says smiling at her before Izzy continues to talk on topic "They're taking him to the Silent Brothers." Izzy says and Clary gasps "We have to stop them!" She says and Jace nods at her, "That's the plan, Clary. Rescue and recovery." He says and Izzy nods "We get him from the guards, in and out, no one gets hurt." She says before looking at Eva who was playing with the zipper on Simons jacket with one hand whilst holding Bob with the other "You want us to go up against the Silent Brothers, and an elite Shadowhunter guard unit?" Clary says and Luke continues on from her "Without any backup?" He says and Jace nods and shrugs confirming it "Pretty much sums it up, yeah." He says and Clary notices who's missing "Is Alec coming?" She asks and Eva cuddles closer to Simon and he can tell she is sad as Jace and Izzy look at each other, he wonders what happened, "No. Not this time." Jace says and Clary nods her head "If they're doing this to Seelies, no Downworlder is safe. But we can't go in alone, not if we don't want to be detected." She says and Luke nods "My pack will track the unit, create a distraction. That should give you enough time." He said and Simon sighs before looking at everyone "I would suggest vampires, but I doubt they'll cooperate, I don't think that they play well with others." Simon says and Jace nods his head as Simon watches him "As much as I hate to agree with Simon, vamps aren't exactly team players." He says and Eva gives him a look "Let me talk to Raphael. I think I can persuade him." Clary says and Eva gave her a 'really?' Look, before she laughed in disbelief, Jace Simon and Luke were going to accompany her and because Eva was in Simons arms she went with them, some of the vampires have gathered to meet with Clary, Simon, Eva, Luke and Jace.

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