Jobs Alec can't do... be a spy or a cook...

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After Alec explains his plan to Magnus they head to Lorenzo's house and Magnus heads around the side as Alec knocks on the front door with Eva in his arms, she was to pretend to be sick so they would have an excuse to open a door or window for Magnus. The door opens, and Lorenzo is standing there with his arms crossed "Señor Lightwood, Joven Lightwood I suppose you're here to defend Magnus Bane?" Lorenzo says before he notices the way Eva is leaning into her brothers arms "No, actually, I'm here to defend you. As Head of the New York Institute, it's my job to keep you safe... Eva had to come with me because she has been feeling sick for the day and my siblings are out on a mission so I do apologise." Alec says and Eva cuddles into Alec's neck to try and sell the story but also because she felt really sore around her chest scar, she wondered back to Brother Enoch's words 'when the Angel healed you he never took into account the other problems that can come with resurrection, you are left extremely vulnerable to dark forces and it looks like one has tried to get grips into your soul, thankfully that pain mains they were unsuccessful but I warn you Evangeline Lightwood that if someone has tried to corrupt your soul... they may be after you.' Eva was worried that all these pains in her chest was due to whoever was trying to take her soul, and she thought that honestly whoever was trying to take her soul wasn't very nice because who just takes someone's soul? Like hello! Manners! "What if I can prove Magnus is involved? Seems like you have a conflict of interest, no? And I can heal the little hunter." He says still showing no emotion but Alec was shocked that he would even offer to help Eva "My interest is in stopping the person who corrupted your ley lines. You have my word and Eva... she'll be fine... it's just the scar she has." Alec says holding Eva protectively and Lorenzo holds his hands up in mock surrender "Not a very loyal boyfriend, are you? Coming here?" Lorenzo asks and Alec sighs as Eva kicks her legs a little bit, Bob being in her backpack leaning his hand up to pet her hair because he could feel the dark influences trying to control her "I believe in justice, Mr. Rey. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to come in and take an official statement." He says to Lorenzo who nods his head and opens the doors wider inviting the Lightwood siblings in "But of course." He says and Alec enters the home and follows Lorenzo into the living room "You really believe Magnus did this out of spite?" Alec asks Lorenzo and he nods his head "Magnus Bane is the only warlock I know capable of conjuring that type of demonic magic." He tells Alec and Eva whines and puts her hands on her chest and hits her head off Alec's shoulder which he rubs her back and shushed her kissing her forehead "Well, I assure you, if Magnus is behind this, I will turn him over to the Clave myself." He says and Lorenzo smirks at Alec not expecting him to turn on Magnus so quickly but he also had a hint of worry for Eva because she seemed to be in distress but he was also curious as to the relation between Alec and Eva because Alec was old enough technically to be a young father "Spoken like a true Shadowhunter. The law is hard, but it is the law... I am curious as to your relation to Eva... are you her father?" He asks and Alec's eyes go wide, so that's a no then Lorenzo thought "no I... I'm her older brother... I guess I act like her father but no... I'm just the brother... I might as well be her father but ehm no... I uh... How about a toast to our new partnership?" Alec suggests and gestures to where he sees different drinks and Lorenzo nods whilst walking over to the tray "An excellent idea. Scotch? Whiskey?" He suggests and Alec shrugs "I'll have whatever you're having, I'm gonna sit Eva by the window for a moment to get some air that okay?" He asks and Lorenzo nods "go ahead... An Old Fashioned, then. And I do mean old-fashioned." Lorenzo says and Alec looks and walks around the room while Lorenzo makes the drinks. Alec goes to the window and quickly sits Eva down before he turns the key and Eva looks outside, and sees Magnus peeks around a corner and she smiles at him before she feels another wave of pain and Magnus looked worried so he quickly waved his hand and her chest felt better "I've been drinking this recipe for over 200 years. You're absolutely going to love it. I could conjure it, but I find mixing by hand to be the only way to achieve..." Lorenzo says turning to Alec "perfection." He says and he looks at Eva who is sitting by the window now having took Bob out her bag to hug him close and Lorenzo hands Alec his drink "These ceilings are spectacular." Alec says looking up before he scoops Eva up and walks back over to Lorenzo as he slightly bounces Eva on his hip as she cuddled into Bob "Thank you." Lorenzo says and Magnus goes to the window and opens it whilst the others backs are turned "Cheers. To our new partnership." Alec says and Eva watches Magnus and tries not to laugh as he climbs in the window and crawls on the floor "Cheers." Lorenzo says and they clink their glasses and Eva watches as Magnus hides behind the sofa "Perfection, truly." Alec says and Eva isn't sure if she has ever heard Alec compliment someone who wasn't her or Magnus "Oh, I'm glad you like it. It's my favorite." Lorenzo says and Eva looks at him "I don't like beer." Eva decides to just say out of nowhere and Bob holds in a laugh as Alec pales and Lorenzo raises an eyebrow "you... drank beer?" Lorenzo asks and she nods her head "I thought it was grown up apple juice but it was disgusting." Eva says and Alec clears his throat as Lorenzo nods "Such exquisite taste in fabric." Alec says as he points out different things he can see and Magnus pops up from behind the couch because now only Lorenzo has his back to him and Magnus makes a gesture to Alec that he needs to hurry up "You have a beautiful home. I seem to remember that you have an amazing antique pot upstairs." Alec says and Bob gives Eva a confused look as Lorenzo smiles "It's a 16th century Ming vase. I procured it from a Castilian trader when it was still new." Lorenzo says boasting and Alec nods his head "Incredible craftsmanship." Alec says and Lorenzo looks surprised "You have an interest in ceramics?" Lorenzo asks and Alec shrugs as Eva gives him a look "I dabble. Would it be too forward of me to ask for a tour?" Alec asks and Eva mumbles under her breath "I wanna dabble myself off a cliff." She mutters and Alec pinches her side to tell her to be quiet "Not in the least!" Lorenzo says as he starts walking away "I must show you my Fabergé egg. It was a gift from the tsar himself in the spring of 1887. Or was it 1888?" Lorenzo says and Eva is confused "wouldn't the egg be rotten by now?" She asks curiously and Lorenzo laughs as he leads them upstairs and Magnus pops up and gives Alec a confused look. Alec gives him a confused look back before he follows Lorenzo up the stairs and Eva waves bye to Magnus. "I know. It was late 19th century. Anyway, I was at the Romanov Easter party, and Nicholas comes up to me. Nicholas. I can barely remember the color of his eyes." Lorenzo says as they reach the top of the stairs and he leads the Lightwoods along to a painting on the wall "Does this baby look familiar?" He asks with a grin and Alec hesitates before answering "Yes." He says with absolutely no confidence at all and Lorenzo smirks "It's actually me. El Greco was a friend of my mother's and he used me as his inspiration." He says and Alec lets out a small laugh "Oh, of course." And Eva is just confused and tired at this point and Bob notices "it's okay Eva we'll be going home soon and you can sleep then." He says and the small girl sighs and nods as the elephant hugs her "Needless to say, growing up in Toledo during the Siglo de Oro was quite the experience." Lorenzo says and Alec gives a nervous smile "Needless to say." He says and a moment later they hear a thud from downstairs but it's faint and could be mistaken for something else "Did you hear something?" Lorenzo asks him and Eva shakes her head as well lying, knowing fine well that it was Magnus but she's not getting him in trouble "No." Alec says very unconvincingly and Lorenzo doesn't believe it and shakes his head before taking off down the corridor to head downstairs and he is followed by Alec "I'm sure I heard something." Lorenzo says but when he gets downstairs and see nothing is wrong he looks back at Alec and Eva "Strange." He mutters and Eva whines and Alec looks at her "I'm sorry to be rude but I think I should get little miss home and to bed." Alec says and Lorenzo nods his head "yes of course." He says and shows them out and Eva waves bye bye over Alec's shoulder sleepily and when they are down the road a little bit Magnus and Alec meet up "What was going on down there?" Alec asks confused at the loud noise "Whoever did this is definitely from Edom. But, judging by the energy signature, it's not my father." Magnus says sounding a little relieved but also quite worried at the same time "That's a good thing, right?" Alec asks and Magnus shakes his head "I'm afraid not. This magic is very old and very evil. The demon responsible is as powerful as they come, unlike anything I've ever seen before." Magnus says and that worries Eva because she's got a nagging feeling that whoever it is, is the same one trying to get to her as well "So, worse than Asmodeus?" Alec says and Magnus nods "Much worse." Is what he says before he gets a text "oh my god... we have to go to Catarina." He says and opens a portal to the hospital.

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