It was the next day and after Eva and Alec had breakfast, no one else was awake yet so Alec had decided to bath Eva well he was attempting to give Eva a bath, key word being attempting, the young girl was splashing around in the water and playing with a rubber duck, Bob was sitting on a bathroom shelf on top of a towel so he could stay dry, she was washed but Alec still had to try and wash her hair which was always a battle because Eva hated the soap getting in her eyes, Alec was soaked, his patience was dropping slowly but he understood she was just a little girl, "okay little rascal hair time then you can play for a bit I'm the bubbles." He told her and she whined "I don't want my hair washed!" She moaned at him and he sighed "I know you don't, but you can't be all clean with dirty hair, can you?" He said and she groaned but shook her head, "but it's stingy!" She said and he sighed "I know but you have to keep your eyes closed. Why don't you... tilt your head back? Maybe that will help." She shrugged and threw herself back into the water, splashing the water everywhere, Alec gasped and pulled her up from under the water "I said tilt your head back! Not drown yourself!" He said as she coughed and spluttered "do you not know what tilting your head is? It's this." Alec tilted his back and she nodded copying him, Alec quickly began to wash her hair with a strawberry shampoo that Izzy had bought for her at a convenience store, Alec had to admit that it smelled quite good but he would never say that out loud obviously. Alec noticed when he was washing Eva's hair the charm Magnus put in her hair was changing to make it easier for Alec to wash her hair. After Alec got Eva's hair washed and rinsed he let her play whilst he sorted out her clothes before he went back into the bathroom and got Eva out from the bath after pulling the plug, he put her in her duck poncho towel before carrying her into his room, he handed her Bob before they walked through to his room and Eva was making quacking sounds the whole time which made him smile. He helped her get changed into black leggings and a black top that said I'm the boss in pink writing, he began to brush through her hair, apologising when it was pulling on her hair and hurting her.
They were now heading through the halls of the institute, Eva was skipping beside Alec whilst holding his hand, Bob was swinging back and forth, Ears flopping. They turned a corner and heard Clary's voice "He said my name. He said, "Your mother for the Cup"." Was what they heard Clary say so they moved over to Jace's room door and Alec stands in the doorway. "Who said that?" He asks crossing his arms and both Jace and Clary turn around, Eva squeezes past Alec giggling as she runs to Jace "Jace!" She says as both Jace and Clary answer Alec "Valentine." They said before Jace smiles down at Eva "hello princess." He says lifting her into his arms and she rests her head against his shoulder, and holds onto Bob tighter as Clary speaks to Alec "He's with my mother." Clary says and Eva was confused, how would Clary know that? "And he can speak to you through that necklace? Here, in the Institute?" Alec asked and Eva was confused, Valentine had spoken to Clary... through a necklace? "It's like when I saw Dot." Clary said and Jace examined the necklace closer whilst holding Eva with one arm "It's a Portal shard. That's why your mother made sure you had it." Jace said and Eva reached out to touch it but Jace held it away from her not wanting her to touch it and see something she didn't want to. "All I know is what I saw... My mother's alive. She's unconscious, but alive." Clary said and Alec looked at her "Where are they?" He asked and clary was silent for a minute "I don't know." She said quietly and Alec stepped forward pressing her for information "But you said you saw them. Were there any identifying characteristics? Equipment, weapons, photographs?" He was trying to get as much as he could from Clary, "I don't remember. It was awful." She said shaking her head and Jace stepped up next to Clary looking at his parabatai, Eva squirmed so he put her down and she walked back towards Alec "Alec, lighten up." Jace said and Alec looked at him and Eva leaned her head against his leg "I'm trying to get something we can use out of this." He said before turning to Clary "Clary, what did you see, exactly?" He asks her as he rubs Eva's head with one of his hands "Valentine has my mother! That's what I saw." Eva glared at Clary for being cheeky to her brother "Emotions are nothing but a distraction. You're ruled by them. We're taught to control them." Alec tells her and Clary rolls her eyes at Alec "And how is that working out for ya?" She asked sarcastically and Alec looks at her, his patience ice thin "It is my job to protect my family and this Institute. If Valentine can see in, that's a door I have to shut. Now... let me take a look at that thing." Alec tells her as Jace sighs and hands the necklace to Alec. He sighs and looks between the both of them "Now, it's in the proper hands." After he says that Alec turns to walk away. Eva follows after her, skipping after Alec whilst swinging Bob again, "Hey! Alec! Where are you going?" She calls after Eva and Alec as they walk out of Jace's room following after them. Alec doesn't stop walking or turn around when he replies "To put this somewhere safe. Where no one could be tempted to use it." He said and Eva thought that that was a smart idea "We should use it. Alec, we should use it to get to Valentine." Jace says and Alec crosses the training room and kneels down by a rune on the floor as the others catch up "If I were Valentine, I'd make sure you think that you could rescue Jocelyn. And then I'd lure Clary to me and leverage her life for the Cup." Alec says as he activates a rune on the floor and a hiding space opens up just like the one where they kept the necklace that was Magnus's, "I like Jace's idea. We saved Simon from the vampires that way." Clary said and Alec shook his head "Yeah... vampires. Bored, decadent, self-involved vampires." He says as he puts the necklace in the hiding space. "Valentine is a real threat. He can't be handled by three-and-a-half Shadowhunters." Alec said and Clary glares at him "Four." She said and Alec rolls his eyes "Whatever. Leave it there." He tells her and closes up the floor once more before looking up at Eva who was fiddling about with Bobs new bow from Magnus.

Little Lightwood
FanficEveryone knows about Alec and Izzy Lightwood from New York, and their adopted brother Jace Wayland, But no one knows of their little sister who stays with them in the New York institute, Evangeline Rosa Lightwood, her name means 'good angel', she ad...