Alec is standing on the balcony of Magnus's apartment later in the day with Eva and Bob after they left the institute looking over the city. Magnus walks up next to him "How many Downworlders do you think live in New York?" Alec asks him and he shakes his "I don't know, but they're not all your responsibility." Magnus tells him and Alec looks at him "But you are." He says and Alec smiles at him as Eva pats bobs head "I can take care of myself." Magnus says and Eva walks over and wraps her free arm around Magnus's leg as she holds Bob with the other "Maybe... but this is different. You may have lived through the fall of Rome, but even the Dark Ages couldn't have been this dark." Alec says with a sigh and Magnus puts his hand on Alec's arm as he runs the other over Eva's head and she leans into his leg "Alexander... I know things may seem bleak, but nothing was as devastating as seeing you standing on that ledge." Magnus says and Eva whimpers and tightens her hold on both Bob and Magnus "It was the magic. I would never, never..." Alec said reassuring both his boyfriend and his little sister "I know, I know. But magic can't create fears, only bring them out." Magnus says and Eva whimpers again and Alec looks at the warlock "Magnus..." he goes to say to try and change topic so his sister doesn't get upset "Look, you don't have to explain yourself. I've been through it myself. Just promise you'll tell me if things ever get that bad." Magnus says and he also is reminded of the similar promise that he made his sister when the front door opens. Clary and Jace rush in. Magnus rolls his eyes when he sees it's them. He and Alec go inside to the apartment as Eva stays on the balcony with Bob as Magnus calls over to them "Don't you people have phones?" He asks them and Bob looks at Eva "are you okay Eva?" Bob asks and she rubs her chest "something feels... funny..." she says trailing off as Bob looks at her confused "what do you mean?" He asks but they get distracted by Jace shouting "We need your help." He says and Eva sighs and runs over to see what's going on and she sees Magnus look at Clary's hand and suddenly the look on his face is serious and he moves everyone to sit down on the couches and he begins using his magic on Clary's hand, but it's not working. Jace is sitting next to Clary "La Chair Brûlée." He says and Clary raises an eyebrow as Eva holds Bob in her arms feeling a bit funny, it's making her feel sick "I'm guessing that's not a dessert." Clary says and Eva puts Bob down to hold her stomach "It means "the burnt flesh". It's an old blood oath spell." Magnus explains and Alec looks at Clary "Then it must be Iris. She said you owed her a favor." He says and Eva isn't noticed by anyone because she is standing behind one of the couches "Eva? What's wrong?" Bob asks worried as he stands beside her "is it your stomach?" Bob asks and Eva nods "At Max's party, she said I have to find Madzie." Clary tells the others and Magnus nods "Then we better start looking. I can get rid of the pain, but that's about it. I'm afraid once the magic reaches your heart..." he trails off shaking his head and Clary pales "So if I don't find Madzie... I'm dead." She says quietly and Jace shakes his head "No... no. Magnus, there has to be a cure." Jace says angry whilst standing up "There has to be something we can do to stop this." He says to the warlock who sighs "Can't we force Iris to undo it?" Alec asks his boyfriend and he shakes his head "I wish it were that easy. But blood oath spells are completely binding. Even Iris herself can't reverse it now." Magnus says and Jace turns and he notices Eva fall to the floor whimpering clutching her stomach "Magnus!" Bob shouts worried as he kneels by Eva's face trying to work out what's wrong and Jace drops beside his sister "Eva! Eva! What's wrong with her!" He says as the four year begins crying holding her stomach and Magnus and Alec rush over, Alec lifting her bridal style whilst Magnus hovers his hand above her body using his magic to work out what's wrong "there's something inside her... it's magic but I don't know why it's causing her so much pain..." he says confused as the little girl cried out again in pain and Alec shushed her and kissed her head, he was worried because his little sister was crying in pain because there was magic inside her "it's her body adjusting to being a chosen one, the amount of power she has to be able to hold is a lot, I think this is her body adjusting to it." Bob says and Magnus snaps his fingers making a book appear and he quickly flips through the book and finds a page and he nods "you're right it's her body adapting, she has to ride it out, I can numb her pain and put her to sleep but it's all I can do until her body adapts to the power." Magnus says and gently places his hand on Eva's head and her crying and whimpering quietened down until she fell asleep and Alec held her tight in his arms as he watched her face go from pain filled to peaceful and calm in a few seconds, he looked at Magnus who nodded his head saying she was okay before he readjusted her so her head was resting on his chest and he put his hand down to grab Bob so he could hold onto Eva as well "I'm gonna go back to the institute and put Eva in her room whilst I find Izzy." Alec says as he quickly kissed Magnus before leaving the apartment

Little Lightwood
FanfictionEveryone knows about Alec and Izzy Lightwood from New York, and their adopted brother Jace Wayland, But no one knows of their little sister who stays with them in the New York institute, Evangeline Rosa Lightwood, her name means 'good angel', she ad...