The next day Eva avoided Alec and Magnus because she didn't want to either make Magnus more upset or make Alec cross so she hid out in her room. It was Halloween and every year Alec had let her dress up and go around the rooms at the institute asking for candy, he did leave out that he had warned everyone in the institute to have candy in there rooms to give to Eva or else, and Eva absolutely loved it, this year she had wanted to a magical fairy princess but she decided to change her mind and instead she wanted to dress up as her best friend Magnus because he was sparkly and cool and she thought that maybe it would make him feel better, so she found her most sparkly top that she could find and she also put on a pair or her new shiny trousers and she was happy when she looked in the mirror but she realised that it wasn't enough... she thought back to what Magnus wears and remembered his eyeliner! And his sparkly eyeshadow! Now what could Eva use to make Magnus's eyeshadow and eyeliner... her pens and glitter! "Come on Bob! We have to find my pens! And my glitter!" She says with determination and the elephant smiles at her "why?" He asks curiously "because Magnus has sparkly eyes and I've seen him put eyeliner on before, he used a little pen thing... and I have pens too so I can look even more like him!" She says and Bob nods his head his ears flopping around "good idea Eva!" He says and she smiles and picks him up and lets him climb onto her back as she takes off on her quest to find a pen and glitter, she knew that Alec was out on a mission with Jace and Izzy, for some reason at Halloween a lot more demons surfaced and it made Jace come to hate the holiday with a burning passion because it meant the shadowhunters had loads to do. She sneaks down the corridor until she reaches Alec's office and she sneaks inside and sees the empty office so she moves over to her craft box and opens it up and she sees her collection of neatly pilled up pens and she sees her black marker and puts it in her pocket before she continues looking through her craft supplies until she finds her silver glitter powder and stashes that in her pocket as well. She closes her craft box and goes to leave when something catches her eye and she moves over to the table and looks under her chair finding the poster she had made to give to Magnus and she takes it with her and she runs back to her room closing Alec's office door on her way out. She goes into her room and right into her bathroom pulling over her little stool and Bob just stays in her bedroom and climbs onto her bed, Eva pulls out her black marker and her silver glitter powder and she uses her fingers to smear the glitter powder all over her eyelids and the skin around, she looks in the mirror and sees the sparkly powder surrounding her eyes quite messily but in her eyes she looks perfect even though she could probably be mistaken for a sparkly raccoon, she opens her marker pen and closes one of her eyes and begins using her hand to add the pen onto her eyelid for her 'eyeliner' and then repeats the same on her other eye and once she's done she smiles at the mirror "perfect... just like Sparkles!" She says happily and climbs off her stool and takes her pen and glitter off the sink and moves into her bedroom where Bob looks up and screams falling off the bed and Eva jumps and runs over picking Bob up "Bob! Are you okay? I finished my makeup and now I look just like Magnus." She says to the elephant who nods his head "oh... oh wow.... It's... it's a... very creative." He says and Eva smiles taking that as a positive comment and moves to go and slip her glittery black sneakers on and go and see if she can find her siblings or Magnus. She wanders through the Ops Centre and she sees a familiar head of blonde hair and she smiles and runs up still holding Bob and she tugs on Jace's jeans and smiles "happy Halloween!" She says happily and Jace goes to look down at her "Happy Halloween Ev- ahahahaha!!" Jace breaks down into hysterics and he can't stop himself and Eva glared up at him "what's so funny duck boy." She says annoyed and that makes the smile drop from his face "we don't talk about the ducks." He says seriously before he almost cracks up again looking at Eva's face and he clears his to try and hold himself together "what are you supposed to be this year? I thought you wanted to be a magical fairy princess?" He says and she shakes her head "I did but then I changed my mind." She says and Jace nods his head "then what are you Eva?" He asks again and she smiles "I'm Magnus!" She says happily and it finally makes sense to Jace why her eyes have black marker all over them and are shinier than the Empire State Building "right I see it now... Magnus will... definitely be honoured." Jace says with a smirk and Eva nods her head "I'm gonna go and find him Bye Jace!" She says running off as Clary approaches Jace. It is now nighttime and Alec's office is only lit up by a lamp on his desk and when Eva arrives to his office she also hears Magnus's voice "That was the bourbon talking. I'm fine, Alexander. I'm just sorry I ruined the fabulous dinner you had planned." Magnus says as Eva approaches the office and opens the door "It's not the dinner I'm worried about." Alec says and Eva walks in the room and Alec almost bursts out laughing at Eva's face but he holds himself together because he can see how happy she looks "Hi!" She says with a smile and Magnus turns to her and gasps "Eva! Oh my god what happened to your face?!" Magnus asks panicked and she tilts her head to the side "it's part of my costume." She says and he nods his head looking at her sparkly clothes and her eye makeup and it clicks in his head who she is but it clearly doesn't click in Alec's head "what did you dress up as Eva?" Alec asks her and she walks over to Magnus and moves Bob to hold him with one hand as she holds Magnus's hand with her now free hand and she also leans against his legs as he smiles down at her and it clicks in Alec's head and he lets out an awww sound "she's a mini me." Magnus says scooping her up and holding her tightly and she holds Bob in two hands again "Eva I'm sorry for how I behaved last night, it was a very silly way to behave and I hope I didn't scare you at all." Magnus says looking down at the little girl he loved with all his heart "I wasn't scared, I was worried about you... I didn't like seeing you like that, you were acting funny." Eva says and Magnus sighs "I can imagine... I'm so sorry Eva." Magnus says feeling extremely disappointed with himself but Eva just wraps her arms around his neck "I forgive you sparkles, I love you." She says with a smile and Magnus looks at her sparkly pen marked face and kisses her cheek "aku pun mencintaimu." He says to her and she looks up at him with curious eyes "what does that mean?" She asks and he smiled "it's Indonesian for 'I love you too'." He smiles and she leans against his chest and he leans his head on top of hers and Alec discretely takes a picture of the two of them, and it makes his heart flutter seeing his baby sister in the arms of the man he loves more than life. "Hey." A voice speaks up and the three of them look over to see Jace knocking on the open door that Eva left opened and he enters and Clary is right behind him "Is now a bad time?" He asks them and Alec and Magnus both speak at the same time "Actually..." Alec starts to say the same time Magnus speaks up looking over at Jace "Not at all." Magnus says rocking Eva slightly and Alec sighs "What is it?" Alec says and Clary smiles at Eva who has her face leaning against Magnus's shoulder towards his neck "On the hunt, we came across a Drevak demon." She says and Jace nods his head "Yeah, which is weird, right? They usually keep to the sewers." Jace says and Alec thinks for a moment before he speaks up "Maybe the holiday noise is drawing them out." Alec says with a shrug and Jace nods his head "Yeah, it could be. The streets are packed with idiots in costumes." Jace says and Clary scoffs at him "Hey, I used to be one of those idiots..." Clary says feeling mildly offended and Jace laughs "Shocker." He says and Clary shrugs her shoulders "What... I love Halloween." She says and Magnus smiles nodding his head "So do I. Every year, I would use my magic to decorate an entire city block in Brooklyn. Fond memories." Magnus says and Eva smiles listening to Magnus speak, she loves Magnus's voice, it's very soothing to her just like her Alec's voice, "and judging by Eva's sparkly clothes she also likes to dress up like your so called 'idiots in costumes'." Clary tells Jace crossing her arms and Alec just rolls his eyes "Brief ops on the demon." He says and Jace nods his head and both Jace and Clary exit the office and Alec turns to Magnus "you know... my mother has been dying for somebody to help her decorate her new shop. Now, I know it's not a Halloween block party, but what do you think? You could take Eva with you to visit my mother if you wanted." Alec says shrugging his shoulders and Magnus makes a humming sound and Eva plays around with Bobs ears and the elephant just wiggles his trunk and it makes the girl let out a quiet giggle "I suppose I do have an eye for design. Will you be joining us?" Magnus asks and Alec looks over at them "Maybe later. Yeah, I have this meeting I can't miss." Alec says and Eva looks over at her brother curiously "With who Alec?" She asks him and he smiles at her "just some Clave business princess, nothing to worry about." He says and she nods her head as Magnus just hums "well we should get ready to go and visit your mother, I think I have a box of decorations somewhere from when I moved my things." Magnus says to Eva as he begins walking towards the door.

Little Lightwood
FanfictionEveryone knows about Alec and Izzy Lightwood from New York, and their adopted brother Jace Wayland, But no one knows of their little sister who stays with them in the New York institute, Evangeline Rosa Lightwood, her name means 'good angel', she ad...