A portal opens a few minutes later and Alec is the first to come running through and he sees Eva on the ground crying and looks beyond her to see Jonathan's body but he scoops her up into his arms at once "hey your okay, your okay... it's all over Eva, it's all gonna be okay." He says as she cries into his neck because nothing was going to be okay... she could feel it inside, she knew she was dying... she just hoped that she could last until after the wedding, Alec carried Eva back through the portal to the institute where her family and friends all ran over to see her, Magnus approaching them first with Izzy and Jace right behind him "there's our girl." Magnus says with a smile before he kisses her forehead and then Izzy takes her from Alec and Jace also hugs her before Alec takes her back into his arms "we are so proud of you Eva... so proud, we love you so much." Alec says and a minute later Maryse, Robert and Max come into the room and Alec puts Eva down for Max to run up and hug her "Eva! Your okay!" He says and she smiled and hugged back her brother who seemed to have grown a lot since she last saw him "Max! I'm glad your okay as well!" She says hugging her brother tighter and he laughs and squeezes her before letting her go and Magnus looks down at her "well now that that's all over, we have a flower girl to get ready so I'm going to go and help miss Eva get ready..." Magnus says looking around at everyone who nods their heads before he looks over at Alec with a smirk "see you at the alter Alexander." Magnus says scooping up Eva who hugs him as he leaves the room to go and get them both ready. Eva is standing in front of a full length mirror in a beautiful burgundy dress with a flower on her waist and she also had a basket full of flowers for her to carry as well but she was debating whether or not she should just use her abilities to make flowers, seeing as she was already past the point of no return why not just have some fun because she didn't know how much time she had left so she decided to put the basket down which made Magnus raise an eyebrow "I have an idea." She says and Magnus just nods his head with a smile and finishes doing Eva's hair with magic finishing it with a flower hair band before he kneels down in front of her "you look like a beautiful princess Eva." He smiled at her and she tried to give him a genuine smile but it didn't work "hey... what's wrong my dear?" Magnus asks her and she is debating with herself if she should tell him or not but she doesn't want to ruin his wedding "I'm fine Magnus... I promise." She says and he nods his head "why don't we chat after the wedding?" Magnus says and Eva nods her head and they begin to walk towards the ceremony hall in the institute and Magnus lets Eva go so she can get ready to walk in first.
The wedding is set up in the ceremony hall and all the guests are seated just as Eva the flowergirl walks down first, and she moves her hands through the air which then throws flowers in the path. She then sits down next to Izzy and leaves and empty seat for Maryse, Eva looks up to see Jace and Catarina stand next to the aisle and the crowd rises when Alec enters with Robert by his side. Alec hugs his father and smiles at Jace. Then Magnus enters, Maryse by his side. They walk down the aisle and Maryse kisses Magnus on the cheek and hugs him there and Brother Zachariah is there to marry Alec and Magnus and it makes Eva smile because she hasn't seen him since she was at the silent city and everyone sits down and Magnus and Alec begin their vows "The love I have for you..." Alec starts to say and Magnus continues "Is a love that knows no bounds." The warlock says and Alec smiles before he speaks again "In times of joy as well as sadness..." he says "In sickness and in health..." Magnus says and Eva watches both of them with a smile on her face, she's glad they found each other, it feels like yesterday that she met Magnus in the club when they trying to find Jocelyn, so much has happened since then... "I will love you as my equal." Alec says to Magnus and Eva is brought back to the present "And protect you above all else." Magnus says as he looks at Alec and Eva just smiles, she can hear her mother crying quietly beside her "I will share with you my truest feelings." Alec says and Magnus continues the vows "And when you speak, I will listen." He says and Eva looks at Jace who also looks ready to cry as well but she knows how happy Jace is for Alec that he is finally getting married and to Magnus who Jace knows loves Alec and Alec loves him in return "I will catch you when you fall." Alec says "And when you soar, I will help you reach your greatest heights." Magnus finishes and there is a moment of silence as they both take a breath "Magnus Bane..." Alec trails off with a smile that Eva doesn't think she's ever seen on Alec's face and it makes her so happy to see it "Alexander Gideon Lightwood..." Magnus says and then they both step forward and hold each others hands "I am and will always be your loving husband." They both say at once and then Brother Zachariah lifts his arms up "It is my honor to pronounce you one." He speaks out loud and that makes Magnus and Alec kiss and everyone stands up and applauds and cheers when Magnus and Alec turn to them smiling, everybody still continues cheering while Magnus and Alec go back down the aisle again. Magnus throws flower petals in the air using his magic and Eva looks around the room seeing Lorenzo and Meliorn, then she looks back at Maryse who moves and wraps her arm around Izzy and then she notices Raphael and it makes her gasp because she thought that he was gone, then she looks down over her shoulder and sees that another rune on her shoulder blade is disappearing and she sudden realises she might have less time than she thinks she's got.

Little Lightwood
FanfictionEveryone knows about Alec and Izzy Lightwood from New York, and their adopted brother Jace Wayland, But no one knows of their little sister who stays with them in the New York institute, Evangeline Rosa Lightwood, her name means 'good angel', she ad...