As the trio were screaming Jace was swiping at Bob with his seraph blade scared for his life and Eva was screaming at Jace to stop whilst Clary was just screaming full stop "Hey! Leave me alone! I haven't done anything! Jace!" Bob was shouting at the blonde who was freaking out "Jace, Stop! It's Bob!" Eva was shouting and the blonde stopped screaming and attacking Bob and puts his blade down "Bob? What happened to you?" Eva says slowing going over to her fluffy friend and picking him up when he raised his arms, "when you met the Angel you gained more powers and as your guardian it's my job to protect you and I can't really do that if I can't move can I?" Bob said and Eva giggled and shook her head "this is insane! Your a toy! Alec bought you for Eva when she was born! How can you be alive?!" Jace says and Bob looks over at him "when a chosen one is picked, they need someone to guide and help them and that's my job! They pick someone or something that the person is close to and give it life so it can protect their chosen one!" Bob said and Jace just nodded still thinking he was going nuts, the stuffed Elephant that Eva has had since she was born was talking and moving! Bob is just happily dangling in Eva's arms as she walks over to the edge of the roof and looks at the sky "they've been watching you ya know." Bob says looking up at Eva and she looks confused "who?" She asks and he points with his stuffed arm towards the sky "the Angels, they're looking after you by giving you these powers and giving you, me!" He says happily and Eva nods as she hears Jace call her over "are we going now?" She asks and Jace nods his head "let's go!" She says and runs down the stairs seeing Luke and she walks over to him "Hi Luke!" Eva says and he's looking at his phone "hi Eva." He says not really paying attention and then Bob looks up at him "Hi Luke." He says and Luke's attention is diverted to the unfamiliar voice and he looks down to see the elephant smiling and waving his arm and so he pulls out his gun causing both the four year old and elephant to scream, and Clary and Jace come bolting down the stairs and jump in front of Eva and Bob "don't shoot!" Clary says and Jace pushes the gun down "THAT THING IS TALKING!" Luke says pointing to Bob "well that's rude, I'm not a thing I'm an elephant." He says and Eva nods at him and pats his fluffy head and Luke thinks he's going to faint "what! How?! What happened on that roof." Luke asks them and Clary goes on to explain how they saw the Angel and her and Eva set him free and how he hugged Eva and after he disappeared Bob was alive because he's Eva's guardian, she leaves out about what the Angel showed her and they begin to walk back to the Jade Wolf "We have to tell Luke about the soul sword it's not right!" Eva says whispering to Clary and Jace and Bob nods his head "I agree they all deserve to know." He says and Jace looks at him "yeah? well no one's asking you fluff butt." Jace says and Bobs little jaw drops "hey! Don't be rude!" Eva says to her brother as she decides to walk ahead and talk to Luke, she tugs on his sleeve as Clary tries to stop her "Luke? I have to tell you something." Eva says and Luke crouches in front of her and Bob "what's up kiddo?" He asks and Eva takes a deep breath "the soul sword... it has more than one purpose, if it's held by someone with pure Angel blood and hit with lightning it becomes equipped with the power to wipe out down worlders." Eva says and Luke feels his heart stop "what?" He mutters and Eva becomes worried that he's cross with her "she's telling the truth, it's why Eva wants to stop him so badly because he could hurt her family." Bob says and Luke nods and hugs the small girl "thank you for telling me, we're you the only one that knew?" He asks before looking to Jace and Clary who look guilty at him "you both knew and never said anything?" Luke asks them annoyed "they told Eva not to tell but she didn't think it was fair." Bob tells Luke and he nods picking up the four year old before marching towards the Jade Wolf "How could you not tell me that?" He says walking into the restaurant and Clary and Jace follow him "The Downworld would be in total chaos if they knew what the Sword could do." Clary says and Eva shakes her head "you don't know that." Eva says and Jace looks at her "There would be uprisings everywhere." Jace says and Eva shakes her head "you don't know that!" She says and Luke rubs her back as she's getting worked up and Bob wraps his arms around her neck hugging her "So you're saving the Downworlders from themselves? We never asked." Luke says and Clary sighs "We didn't even know that Valentine could activate the Sword until we realized he had an Angel. Luke, I didn't want you to worry." She says and he glares at the two older shadow hunters "Well, it's too late for that." He says and Jace shakes his head "Look, you don't understand, all right..." jace says and Luke cuts him off "No. I do understand. He has my sister." Luke says and Eva realises that Cleophas isn't there and Jace and Clary share a look "What else aren't you two telling me?" Luke says and Eva is confused as well "The Angel, he... he showed us something. I don't know if he showed Eva or not but he showed us." Clary says and Eva shakes her head "Just now, on the rooftop, he showed us both a vision of a demon that could destroy the Sword." Jace says and Luke looks at him in disbelief "How do you know that's what he was telling you?" Luke asks and Clary doesn't really know what to say "There's no other explanation. When the demon touched the Sword, he and the Sword both disintegrated." She says and Eva looks at Bob who shrugs his shoulders "Luke, it was a demon I'd never seen before." Jace says and Luke nods his head "Then go find it. I'll head out and see if that bastard left any clues for us to track him down." He says and Eva gasps "swear." Her and Bob both say "sorry my bad how about some chicken nuggets as a sorry?" He says with a smile and Eva nods her head and it looks like Clary wants to say something but Luke is already on his way to the kitchen to get Eva her chicken nuggets and afterwards Jace heads back to Magnus's with Eva tagging along.

Little Lightwood
FanfictionEveryone knows about Alec and Izzy Lightwood from New York, and their adopted brother Jace Wayland, But no one knows of their little sister who stays with them in the New York institute, Evangeline Rosa Lightwood, her name means 'good angel', she ad...