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Everything had calmed down since Valentine was taken back to the institute and now in Magnus's apartment it's only Magnus, Eva and Alec, Alec is picking up pieces of broken glass, throwing them in a bucket whilst Eva is with Magnus... she hadn't left his arms since she hugged him after Clary disappeared through the portal, Alec felt guilty because she was probably traumatised from her best friend almost being executed so she had clung to Magnus and sobbed her heart out and he just held her and shushed her gently whilst he ran his hand over her hair, Bob was is her arms as well whilst she was being held by Magnus. Magnus comes out of the bedroom and sits down on the couch with Eva on his lap and Alec approaches them with a guilty expression on his face, he couldn't possibly fathom what his boyfriend had been through in Valentines body "Magnus, I am so sorry. For everything you had to go through." Alec says and Magnus shakes his head tearfully as he holds Eva closer, as if the physical closeness was comforting both of them "That agony rune. It made me relive memories I've spent... centuries trying to forget." Magnus says sniffling and Eva moves her hand to hold his shirt close and Alec sits down next to him, sitting as close to him as possible to try and comfort his boyfriend and his little sister "Magnus, tell me how to fix this. Just tell me what to do, please." Sec practically begs and Magnus just shakes his head and begins to cry and Alec wraps his arms around both his sister and his boyfriend and holds them close and he just lets his boyfriend cry into his shoulder, Alec could remember watching the CCTV footage when they were torturing 'Valentine' and how he cried out in agony and pain and now all Alec could see was his boyfriend crying out in pain and agony and he couldn't help but feel like he was to blame for it believing him or his sister earlier. Alec helped to get Magnus to bed before he carried Eva back to the institute and got her ready for bed putting her in her duck onesie and putting her onto his bed as he goes and gets sorted for bed and when he comes back into the room Eva is already burrowed up under the covers with Bob and Alec walks over and climbs into bed "are you okay now Eva?" Alec asks her and she sighs and nods her head "yeah I suppose so... but I just wished you'd believed me..." she says sadly and he nods his head "I know princess and I'm sorry... there's nothing I can say to make it right... but I am sorry and I promise that I will always listen to you in the future and believe whatever you say to me." Alec says and Eva nods her head happily leaning up to give her brother a kiss on the cheek before she lies back down this time moving over so her head was resting on his chest and she drifted off to sleeep peacefully.

When Eva woke up the next day , Alec took her to get breakfast before he carried her around for awhile because she was feeling rather clingy and Alec didn't mind holding her because it meant that he knew where she was and also that he could just cuddle her. Alec's phone alarmed and he saw it was a message from his mother saying that Max was going to be going to their institute for Izzy to mentor and as Alec walks to the Ops centre with Eva in his arms he looks at Bob "what's up with her?" He asks the elephant who sighs "I think everything that's happened the past few days is catching up with her and right now she just feels a little bit fragile and just needs her family to reassure and comfort her... she's seen a lot more than any other four year old. Been through a lot more as well." Bob says and Alec nods and sighs, Eva makes a little whimpering sound and Alec kisses her head as they arrive at the Ops centre and Bob sees Izzy enters the Institute and approach Alec and Eva "Heard from Mom. Max is on his way." Alec says to Izzy and she nods her head with a smile "Feels like just yesterday we were taking knives away from him." Izzy says and Alec smiles at her "He's lucky to have you as a tutor." Alec says and Eva moves her head to bury it in his neck and Izzy sighs "Alec, maybe it's a mistake putting me in charge of him." Izzy says and Alec shakes his head "Are you kidding? Izzy, you're the smartest one here and one of our toughest fighters." Alec says and Izzy just looks down at her hands "But it's just... I don't totally feel like myself yet." She says and Alec nods as he bounces Eva a bit "What about those mundane meetings you mentioned?" Alec asks remembering that Izzy had said that she had joined a mundane group that helps with battling addictions "They're helping, even though they think I'm talking about heroin." Izzy says with a sigh and they all turn around when Jace and Clary burst into the institute "Shadowhunter down!" Jace calls out throughout the institute as Clary follows him "Milo Keytower." She says and Izzy runs over with Alec following behind holding Eva close "What happened?" Izzy asks and Inquisitor Herondale is the one who answers as she shows up "From what I understand, his runes were carved out. Is that true, Jace?" She asks and Alec feels Eva's breathing hitch in fear from the question and Alec holds her closer trying not to squash Bob as he hugs his little sister. "Yes, after he was attacked by a wolf." Jace says and Alec looks confused along with Izzy "He had multiple bite and claw marks." Clary explains and Izzy shakes her head still confused "What kind of werewolf randomly attacks a Shadowhunter?" Izzy asks and Alec sighs "One who's trying to send a message." He tells her and she looks horrified and Imogen nodded at Alec's words "And get the attention of the Clave." She adds on and Clary looks worried "We need to find them before this happens again." She says to everyone and Jace nods his head "Well, I think I have a pretty good idea who it is." Imogen speaks up and everyone looks over at her "Mr. Lightwood I would like you and Jace to go to the New York pack and bring Lucian Greymark to me for questioning." Imogen says and Eva moves to look at her "No." she says which shocks everyone seeing as she hadn't spoke for most of the day "what do you mean 'No' Miss Lightwood?" Imogen asks her and she gives the inquisitor a glare "it wasn't him... so I said no, Luke wouldn't do that." She says and the inquisitor raises an eyebrow "oh? Because you know him so well?" She says and Eva's glare hardens "I know him well enough to know he's not a murderer or a killer so yes madam inquisitor, I know him well enough to know he didn't do this... you know your so quick to point the finger at other people who are innocent when you almost executed an innocent man... so I would take a good look at myself before I decide to do anything else that could reflect on me." She says to the inquisitor who looked furious and she quickly looked around at the group of shadow hunters that had gathered around her before it was evident she was panicking "what are you all standing around for?! Back to work! Now! And you two... bring Lucian Greymark to me now and you better teach your sister about how to respect her superiors! Now you have your assignments go!" She says and goes to walk away but it stopped by Eva's voice once more "truth hurts... doesn't it?" She says and the inquisitor doesn't say anything she just walks away, and Alec carries Eva off to get ready to go with them. He packs her backpack for her putting in her sippy bottle full of squash and he also put in a banana for her to eat as well before they went to go and meet Jace to head to the Jade Wolf.

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