Meliorn, Jace and Clary are walking through the woods. Eva is still on top of Meliorns shoulders but he stops for a second and puts her on the ground confusing her "Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore." Clary mutters and the flower in Eva's hair closes before it opens again spilling green magic over the girl and when it cleared her clothes had changed, she no longer had her elephant onesie on but instead had on a pink dress with flowers on the top and different shades of pink making up the skirt of the dress and then a light pink shawl appeared around her shoulders her bag was still on her back though. Eva loved her new look, she was playing with her skirt as Jace turned to glare at Meliorn who was smirking "The flower will not only protect her but look out for her wellbeing, it has enough Seelie magic within it to do a number of things, it will help Eva adapt to her surroundings and it will keep her safe and happy." He said before looking at Clary and Eva "Welcome to the Seelie Glade, Eva Lightwood and Clary Fairchild. The remotest edges of it." He said and Eva gasped "No way! I'm in the seelie realm?!" She asked excitedly making Meliorn laugh "How did we get here?" Clary asks and Jace looks at her "There are entrances all through the mundane world." He says and Meliorn nods his head in agreement "You just have to know where to look." He said and Clary was confused "Why did we have to come here to find my father?" She said as they walked and Eva skipped happily ahead, the Seelie Knight keeping his eyes on her making sure she didn't go too far and get lost "Because of your necklace. It's a Portal shard." He says to Clary without turning away from Eva who was looking at everything near her "Tell us something we don't know." Jace said sarcastically and Meliorn just rolled his eyes "How does it work?" He spoke addressing clary as he still watched the toddler giggle and skip through the woods the elephant's ears from the toy in her bag flopping around "When I touch the crystal and I think of someone, I can see where they are." Clary tells him and he nods before making a humming sound "I'm curious, Shadowhunter, who knows so much about Portals, did you never wonder why this Portal shard doesn't behave the way normal Portals do?" Clary looks at Jace in confusion "Normal Portals can only take you to places you've been. I guess I never really thought about it." Jace says as Eva turns to run back towards them with a smile on her face, "I see Isabelle and Eva are the smart ones in the family." Meliorn says and Clary laughs. "Your Portal shard works the way it does because it's a piece of a Portal from another dimension." Meliorn says as Eva is coming towards them "Another dimension?" Clary asks shocked and Jace gives Meliorn a look "You're saying there's a Portal in some other universe that can take us to anyone if we just think of them?" He says and Meliorn nods "If you can find the only Portal still standing in that dimension, it will take you to your father." Eva holds onto Meliorns hand as he finishes talking "This place is like Wonderland! Just like my book! Right Jace?!" She says turning to smile at him dress swishing with her movement "I guess your right Eva it's kinda like that." Jace smiles and Meliorn smirks down at her "just wait until you see the Seelie court." He says and Eva gasps "are we going there?!" She asks amazed and he shakes his head "sadly not today but one day perhaps I'll take you to meet the queen." He says and her smile widens "would she want to be my friend?" Eva asks excited and Meliorn laughs "Oh I'm almost certain." He says smiling and Jace feels a little uneasy but says nothing as Meliorn slows down by some trees.
"These trees are where the alternate dimensions intersect the Seelie realm." He tells them and Jace crosses his arms giving Meliorn a look "How is it possible that the Clave doesn't know about your dimensional doorways?" He asks and Eva shoots her brother a look "They are our most guarded secret. We are their protectors. Only Seelies know of their existence." Meliorn says and Eva still stares at her brother "people are allowed to have secrets Jace, he's protecting these so he never told the Clave, just like we're protecting the cup so we never told the Clave we have it." Eva said and Clary looks at Meliorn as Eva plays with his sleeve "Then why are you telling us?" Meliorn asks and he smiles at her before before smiling down at Eva "I owe you a life debt, both you and Eva and I don't like being indebted to anyone." He says and Clary nods and they've arrived at the alternate dimension entrance. "What would happen if..." clary gets cut off by Meliorn "If the Seelie Queen finds out I've shared this with you? I could be executed." He says and Eva gasps "No! You can't let her hurt you because of us!" Eva says getting upset, and Meliorn kneels in-front of her "do not fear little Lightwood, I only said I could be executed not that I would be." He said smiling at her "Well, we'll be extra careful then." Jace says and Meliorn looks over at him as he stands back up "There's no "we" in this scenario. Only Clary and Eva if she chooses go in to find the Portal. My debt is to them." Meliorn says and Jace does not like this, he is absolutely not letting his little sister go through a portal alone! "You've given us no reason to trust you, Seelie." He says and Eva looks at him shocked "Jace! That's not nice!" She says and Clary looks over at the blonde " He brought us here." Clary says to him and Meliorn moves his hand making Eva let go of him as he uses his magic and starts preparing the entrance to the alternate dimension. Eva watches in awe as Clary watches the man use his magic "I knew the Seelies were one with nature, but..." she trails off just as in awe watching Meliorn as Eva is, "This will establish a connection to the other dimension." He tells them all and Eva is curious "What's it like? The other dimension. Is it like this one?" She asks curiously and Meliorn tilts his head to the side "It is... but it isn't." He says and Eva makes a 'huh?' sound, not quite understanding and even Jace was confused "Could you be more vague?" He asks and Meliorn continues opening the portal "It is an alternate timeline, in a sense. There, Shadowhunters and demons no longer exist." He says and everyone is a bit shocked by that information "What?" Jace asks and Meliorn continues to explain "And Downworlders have conformed to the mundane way of life to avoid detection." He says and Clary raises an eyebrow "What happened to the Shadowhunters?" She says and Eva was curious about that as well "Their services were no longer required, because they won the war against the demons, centuries ago. Once they sealed the rifts between their worlds, their culture faded away. Once you arrive in the alternate dimension, you will assume the body of the Clary in that world. You will think and feel just like her." He says to Clary before looking down at Eva who was standing beside his leg "and if you were to go through you would assume the body of Eva from that world." he says to her and she looks towards the portal thoughtfully about what she was going to do.

Little Lightwood
FanfictionEveryone knows about Alec and Izzy Lightwood from New York, and their adopted brother Jace Wayland, But no one knows of their little sister who stays with them in the New York institute, Evangeline Rosa Lightwood, her name means 'good angel', she ad...